Exposing themselves as the radical liberals they are, Jimmy LaSalvia (pictured above) — the founder of faux Republican homosexual group GOProud — has now been hired by the far left ACLU to promote marriage redefinition. This partnership should remove any lingering doubts to the real agenda of homosexual so-called “Republicans.”
Written by Bridget Johnson, PJMedia.com
The American Civil Liberties Union has hired the outgoing executive director of Republican gay-rights group GOProud to lead an effort to bring GOPs on the side of same-sex marriage.
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Written by Matt Barber
More often than not, when someone says, “I hate to say I told you so,” they love to say they told you so. Prepare to have a bucket of gloat dumped on your head.
Still, there are those rare occasions when people both say it and mean it. A few possible examples come to mind: Aboard the Titanic. At the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Standing before the pearly gates (after your stupid bomb squad partner goes ahead and cuts the blue wire).… Continue Reading
from the Chicago Tribune:
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Leaders of the African American Clergy Coalition (AACC) today are appealing to Governor Pat Quinn to refrain from offering pork projects to legislators in return for a “yes” vote on SB 10 — the homosexual “marriage” bill. This comes after unnamed legislators informed the AACC of legislative bribery tactics being used by staff members of Governor Quinn’s office to lobby legislators. Specifically according to one legislator, a bridge and an extension of an expressway was assured in exchange for a “yes” vote on SB 10.
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The media, culture and the homosexual political agenda . . .a cartoon can sometimes say it like an entire 1200 word essay.
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Written by Fran Eaton of IllinoisReview.com
Being the daughter of the Illinois Democratic Party Chairman Mike Madigan, Illinois’ Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s opinion in support of same sex marriage made public Wednesday in the Chicago Tribune surprised no one. Indeed, AG Madigan’s agrees with her and her father’s political party platform. Although AG Madigan identifies herself as a Roman Catholic, she separated herself from her religious affiliation by supporting the redefinition of marriage to include same sex couples.
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Written by David E. Smith
This Saturday, the Republican State Central Committee (RSCC) will meet in Chicago for a regular meeting.
A few months ago, it was revealed that Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, was lobbying Republican state lawmakers in favor of same-sex “marriage.” By doing this, Pat Brady betrayed conservative family values and the Republican Platform that states:
Our laws should strongly support and celebrate the loving commitment a man and a woman make to each other in marriage.
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Tags: Angel Garcia, Angelo Skip Saviano, Barbara Peterson, Bob Winchester, Carol Smith Donovan, Central Committee, Chris Kachiroubas, Christine Radogno, Dave Syverson, Deb Detmers, Eugene Dawson, Jerry Clarke, Jim Oberweis, John Dorgan, Judy Diekelman, Judy Dudek, Mark Shaw, Michael Bigger, Pat Brady, Reince Priebus, Roger Claar, Steven Daglas
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
April 10, 2013 5:08 AM |
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With the Illinois General Assembly returning this week from recess, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) reiterated its pledge to spend $250,000 defeating Republican legislators who vote in support of marriage redefinition legislation in Illinois, just like NOM successfully did in New York.
“Any Republican in Illinois who betrays the cause of marriage will be casting a career-ending vote and will be held accountable to their constituents,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “We will spend whatever it takes—hundreds of thousands of dollars if necessary—to remove them from office, just as we did three of the four turncoat Republican state Senators in New York who were responsible for gay ‘marriage’ passing there.
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