Category: Islam & Sharia

Will a GOP Candidate Emerge to Confront Radical Islam?


Written by Chad Groening

A former U.S. Justice Department attorney says he’s hopeful that a Republican presidential candidate will emerge who shows the moral clarity to confront evil and not appease radical Islamists.

The Obama administration has drawn criticism from Republican lawmakers over the president’s decision to release five more Guantanamo detainees. Four of the five Yemeni terrorists headed for Oman, Yemen’s neighbor, fueling speculation that they will soon be back in the terrorist business.

The administration is taking heat not only for the Gitmo transfers, but for its refusal to publicly call out radical Islam as the common thread in terrorist attacks.… Continue Reading

Obama Too Busy for France

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Bill Maher Blasts Liberals’ for PC Reactions to Paris Massacre


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

With the dozen Muslim killings fresh on the news, the self-proclaimed liberal addressed the massacre to the audience for what he believes it truly was: a jihadist attack by merciless Islamic terrorists on infidels for dishonoring their religion’s founder and prophet.

“It’s not a presume [sic] — no, no it’s Muslim terrorists,” Maher told Kimmel and his studio audience on ABC. “This happens way too frequently. It’s like … Groundhog Day, except the groundhog kept getting his head cut off.”… Continue Reading