Written by Matt Barber
Dear candidate for president of the United States:
Congratulations on your decision to pursue a career as leader of the free world. The following exam, while in no way comprehensive, is intended to assess your basic qualifications and level of occupational competency. Though a failing grade does not automatically exclude you from being elected by low-information voters, hipster millennials, liberal yuppies plagued by white guilt and lesbian feminists with sleeve tattoos, it does strongly indicate that you are better suited for a career in an industry requiring no experience whatsoever and few, if any, measurable skills.… Continue Reading

Written by Matt Barber
Well, that didn’t take long. This summer after Barack Obama inexplicably (and illegally) freed five of the Taliban’s most deadly terrorists in exchange for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, I asked a burning question – a question that remains unanswered: “What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people.… Continue Reading

Written by Joseph Curl
One rainy evening, three people walked into a bar and sat down. One was grim, another solemn, while the sole woman among them was absolutely giddy. The bartender poured a few shots of whiskey and said to the trio, “Why so grim, so solemn, so giddy?”
The grim man with squinty eyes and a huge forehead went first. “My life is over. I ‘conflated’ a couple of war stories, said I was aboard a helicopter in Iraq that got shot down when I wasn’t.… Continue Reading

A nationwide online poll taken by the Drudge Report reveals that Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is the hands-down favorite for the 2016 GOP presidential election so far, taking nearly half the total votes – a number that almost reached half a million by the close of the poll.
With former two-time Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney now out of the running, Walker has shown great promise at the polls, which the former Massachusetts governor dominated before his departure from the race.… Continue Reading

Written by Sally Zelikovsky
Instead of being applauded for recognizing that words matter, Mitt Romney is being lambasted by Republicans who just don’t get it.
Speaking to a full house of RNC members in San Diego, Romney committed the conservative crime of using the language of the left to appeal to potential voters. While emphasizing that conservative principles will be critical in the post-Obama era, Romney articulated three maxim’s that Republicans must communicate to the American people: “[T]o make the world safer… and provide opportunity for all Americans regardless of the neighborhood they live in” and the apparently gag-inducing, oxygen-sucking notion that “We have to lift people out of poverty.”… Continue Reading

The Republican Precinct Project is the only statewide effort dedicated to reducing the committeeman vacancy rate that currently exists in Illinois.
The goal of the Republican Precinct Project is to fill every Republican Precinct Committeeman position in every county in Illinois – with truly dedicated, pro-GOP Platform, hard working volunteers. This will require the participation of thousands of reform-minded Republicans.
For more information about the role of a Republican Precinct Committeeman, including some frequently asked questions about the position, read What is a Republican Precinct Committeeman?… Continue Reading

POLITICO has run a piece citing various claims that President Obama is a practicing Christian of some sort. Nice try. But the article is entirely unconvincing.
Obama isn’t prevented from going to a Christian church and doesn’t cite security reasons for not attending. Instead, he “worries that his presence detracts from other worshippers’ experience,” the publication said. We are told he reads scripture and prays in private.
In 2008, when he first ran for president, the Obama campaign insisted he was a “committed Christian.”… Continue Reading

Of ten Republicans who may lose their U.S. Senate seats in 2016, Sunday The Hill named Illinois’ U.S. Senator Mark Kirk as #1 most likely, with a possibility of four Illinois Democrats as potential challengers:
1. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)
Kirk narrowly defeated a scandal-plagued Democratic candidate by less than 2 points in the 2010 Republican wave election. In the 2016 presidential election year, he will likely face a much more Democratic electorate.
The senator has worked hard to bolster his bipartisan credentials, backing immigration reform, gun control and environmental protections.… Continue Reading

Written By Bryan Fischer
Campaign consultants make bank on advising candidates how to win the independent voting bloc – those who are perceived to be the 20 percent of the electorate in the middle of the spectrum between left and right.
The theory is that the Republican candidate has the 40 percent of the electorate to the right of center locked up, and the Democratic candidate has the 40 percent of the electorate to the left of center locked up, and the issue will be decided by those in the mushy middle.… Continue Reading

By Matt Barber
“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” ~The Quran, Surah 9:5
Islam is anything if not ironic.
“A teenaged bomber on Thursday targeted a Kabul auditorium packed with people watching a drama condemning suicide attacks,” reports Reuters. “Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the bomber targeted the event because it was staged ‘to insult Islamic values and spread propaganda about our jihad operations, especially on suicide attacks.’”… Continue Reading