Written by Cliff Kincaid
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s speech that launched his presidential campaign on Monday noted that Hillary Clinton’s “progressive agenda” includes the admonition that traditional religious beliefs “have to be changed.” Mrs. Clinton’s entire quote, in talking about opposition to her version of feminism and demands for abortion, was that “…deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
Bush also said of the Democrats, “They have offered a progressive agenda that includes everything but progress.”… Continue Reading

Written by Jay Richards
Public opinion on same-sex “marriage” has shifted so quickly that major Democratic candidates for president in 2008 still had to pretend to believe in man-woman marriage (that is, “marriage”). It was only after Joe Biden gave the game away that President Obama officially endorsed same-sex marriage as soon as he did — in May 2012. By that time, a majority of Americans were just starting to tell pollsters they agreed. Now, a mere three years later, only the most stout-hearted public figures can make the man-woman marriage argument that Barack Obama was still making in April 2012.… Continue Reading

Written by Rachel Alexander
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, considered a liberal Republican on almost everything except foreign policy, announced today from his hometown of Central in South Carolina that he was entering the GOP presidential primary. A military veteran, his speech emphasized foreign policy and a muscular military stance abroad. Presently, “radical Islam is running wild,” is “large, rich and entrenched,” he said, but if he is elected president, “I will make them small, poor and on the run.”… Continue Reading

Written by John Biver
This is the last of a series that starts here.
Where is the Steve Jobs of conservative politics? Where is the innovation, creativity, and vision?
Why do things continue to get worse, despite the fact that there are countless highly paid and experienced professionals working in Republican and conservative politics? After over twenty-five years of political experience I could write a book on the topic, and maybe I will some day.
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Written by John Biver
It might be a tired old cliché, but politics as we know it today is a tired old arena, so I don’t mind using the line since it applies perfectly: The definition of the word “insanity” is doing more of the same and expecting a different result.
It looks like conservatives are going to run more presidential candidates than ever — will they split the vote even more so that a rino can waltz into the nomination?
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Written by John Biver
Let’s face it, the past few generations of political conservatives have been politically lazy. While the small numbers of conservatives that have been politically active can be lauded for their efforts, relatively few of them have been effective. If you think those two statements are mean, tell me — where are the signs of that energy? Where are the fruits of all that effectiveness?
Scattered policy victories here or there? I’m not impressed.
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Written by John Biver
In his 1975 speech to CPAC Ronald Reagan said:
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?
Forty years of work by conservative thinkers, think tanks and issue advocacy organizations from coast to coast have provided more than enough intellectual ammunition to accomplish the raising of that banner of bold colors on every issue.
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Written by Bruce Walker
Hillary sure looks like a weak candidate. There are a few Democrats who may challenge her, but none of these will attack her for being too liberal or for being corrupt. Instead we hear the weary refrains of Democrats needing to get tougher on Wall Street, to redistribute wealth, and so on. It is as if the only two divisions in the Democrat Party are the left and the radical left.
Yet Gallup reports that only 44% of Democrats describe themselves as “liberal,” while 19% of Democrats call themselves “conservative” and 36% of Democrats call themselves “moderate.” … Continue Reading

Written by David Limbaugh
I think Hillary Clinton has learned (or believes she has learned) a great deal from Barack Obama over the years, though none of it has to do with statesmanship. It has to do with how a presidential candidate positions herself with the electorate.
From all indications and a recent Washington Post article on the subject, Hillary’s strategy is to emulate Obama’s appeal to his leftist base and his arrogant disrespect for any constitutional limitations on his authority.… Continue Reading