Open Borders: A “Crisis by Design”

Written by David E. Smith

Illegal immigration, open borders, and crime continue to be major concerns for voters and a big problem for Vice President Kamala Harris and her campaign.

While news coverage of the hordes of foreign nationals flooding across the southern border has lessened, many voters are still deeply concerned about what has happened, and what is still happening.

The corporate media wants us to believe that the crisis has diminished, and yet the stories of immigrant crimes, homeless encampments, and the visibility of panhandlers at intersections in suburbs keep the concerns alive.

Polls and surveys indicate that illegal immigration ranks high among voter concerns, often just below economic issues, such as inflation or job creation. This concern is not solely about the act of crossing borders illegally but also includes broader implications such as crime, human/drug trafficking, and national security.

And according to recent damning congressional testimony from a high-ranking border official, the Biden-Harris administration has intentionally covered up the number of terror suspects crossing the border illegally.

On Wednesday, the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee published the findings of a massive report titled Crisis by Design, which analyzed the Biden-Harris administration’s foolish open-borders policy. In their words, it shows an “assault on the rule of law that will take decades to remedy.”


This report highlights the nearly 300 percent increase in illegal border crossings under the administration. It also refutes claims from the White House that the number of illegal crossings has gone down this year.

The testimony of Aaron Heitke, the former chief patrol agent for the San Diego sector of the border is eye opening. According to Heitke, he and other border officials were warned by the White House not to release any information regarding the massive increase in suspected terrorists crossing the border illegally.

His testimony about Significant Interest Aliens (SIAs) is shocking:

“We had an exponential increase in significant interest aliens. These are aliens with significant ties to terrorism. Prior to this administration, the San Diego sector averaged 10 to 15 SIAs per year. Once word was out the border was far easier to cross, San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022. Well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year. These are only the ones we caught. At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”

According to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, more than 375 individuals on the Terror Watch List have been caught trying to enter the country illegally, and at least 100 of them were released and allowed to enter the country. These numbers only include those who have been apprehended. We have no way of knowing how many more crossed the border undetected. To that point, Heitke testified that we have “zero information of millions of people,” also known as “got-aways,” that have entered our country.

It is sickening to realize that some of these “got-aways” are likely to be nefarious actors on the Terror Watch List as well. This is a danger for all citizens. Ironically, it also poses a risk to family-friendly foreign nationals who have come to the U.S. to work, to enjoy political freedom, and to pursue the American dream.

This week’s congressional hearing did not get the attention it deserves from the corporate media, but should we be surprised? The Harris campaign wants to avoid the topics of national security and border control because they are a significant negative for Democrat candidates up and down the ballot.

On Wednesday, Harris spoke before the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, and according to an Axios article, told them that “it’s possible to both secure the border and provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.” She complained:

“As we fight to move our nation forward to a bright future, Donald Trump and his extremist allies will keep trying to pull us backward. We all remember what they did to tear families apart and now they have pledged to carry out the largest deportation, a mass deportation…”.

But Harris and her Democrat allies in the media seem to be out-of-step with voters, according to recent polling from CBS, which suggests that 62 percent of voters favor a “new program to deport all undocumented immigrants living in the country illegally.”

And while many Democrats and liberal pundits argue that deportation policies are racist, the same poll found that 53 percent of Hispanic voters favor a mass deportation program.

We should be thankful for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s willingness to engage on the topic of open borders and the Terror Watch List. And we should be wary and well advised that the corporate media isn’t doing its due diligence to cover this issue, as it should.

Anyone paying attention to conservative news sources understands that the border is obviously not secure by any reasonable definition.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to Congress and the White House to demand that they take action to secure the southern border. Even if you have spoken out before, please don’t stop! We must continue to petition our federal officials and be persistent in raising our voices.

To stop the influx of immigrants, criminals, and potential terrorists, and the trafficking of human lives and deadly drugs, you can urge them to pass the Secure the Borders Act and specifically:

NOTE: On Tuesday, October 22nd, Breakthrough Ideas & Safe Suburbs will host an event on the threat open borders has on our communities at Abbington Banquets in Glen Ellyn at 6PM. Learn more HERE.

Learn More:

VIDEO: Biden Administration Accused of Concealing Border Numbers (Fox News Channel)

VIDEO: Biden-Harris Admin Has Dramatically Increased US Illegal Migrant Crime (Dennis Prager)

VIDEO: Committee Hearing on ‘Terrorism & Homeland Security Consequences of Illegal Immigration’ (NTD)

VIDEO: Victims Of Illegal Immigrants Testify Before Judiciary Committee

Flying Illegal Aliens Into Swing States? (Elon Musk)

The costs of illegal immigration are sinking cities (Washington Examiner)

1 in 4 Democrats Support Mass Deportation of Illegal Alien (Front Page Magazine)

House Defeats Continuing Resolution that Included the SAVE Act (The Washington Stand)

Illegal Immigration and Fentanyl Threats (Harbingers Daily) 

VIDEO: Trump Targets Springfield and Aurora: Bold Move to Expose Border Crisis ‘Takeover’…

The Stunning Costs of Biden-Harris’ ‘America-Last’ Border Policies (The Daily Signal)

Venezuelan Illegal Alien Gang Activity Wreaking Havoc in US (The Daily Signal)

VIDEO: Americans enslaved by illegal immigration (OAN)

Operation Sinaloa: US Border Control Plan – 2024 (CCNS)

More Dems Now Want Less, Not More, Immigration (Front Page Magazine)

Americans Must Choose Between Civilization—or Its Destroyers (Victor Davis Hanson)

Illegal Immigration and the One World Government (Harbingers Daily)