The Last Leg of a Long March
Written by Thomas Hampson
The Democrat Party of 2024 bears no resemblance to the Democrat Party of the 1960s. To be fair, neither does the Republican Party. The important difference is that the Republicans have maintained a commitment to and love for our original principles, while the Democrats have become the party that is ashamed of our founding.
In an August 15th post on X, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote that the Party today “would be unrecognizable to my father and my uncle . . .” He added:
“The Democratic Party of RFK and JFK was the party of civil liberties and free speech.
“VP Harris‘s is the party of censorship, lockdowns, and medical coercion.”
In the early 1960s, when JFK was President, unpopular speech was encouraged and protected. Today, during the Biden/Harris administration, hundreds of federal agents from the White House, the FBI, the CDC, the Office of the Surgeon General, and other federal agencies have been engaged in coercing Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media companies to restrict or take down unwelcome posts.
This practice ended for Twitter, now X, when Elon Musk bought the platform and ended its cooperation with the federal censors.
The censorship efforts directed at the other platforms became more complicated when a federal appeals court put some restrictions on these efforts last year. Yet the battle over this censorship is ongoing. It has been vigorously defended by President Biden and Vice President Harris, including their defending the silencing of people who pointed out severe misrepresentations of the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines, the coercion of vast numbers of Americans to get the vaccine, and the lockdowns imposed on citizens in Democrat-run jurisdictions.
RFK, Jr. continues in his post to point out that the old Democratic Party championed voting rights, opposed war, allied with police and firefighters, and watched out for the working men and women who keep this country running.
All that is gone.
According to RFK, Jr.,
“VP Harris’s is the Party of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Wall Street.”
And they also are the party of forever wars to satisfy the big donors from the military-industrial complex. They are the party, said RFK, Jr.,
“of lawfare, disenfranchisement, and the coronation of its candidates by corporate donors and party elites.”
“prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country . . .”
RFK, Jr. claimed, while
“Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview.”
It has been over a month since Harris — the beneficiary of what can only be described as a coup — became the nominee for president, and she still has not submitted to an in-depth interview or a press conference.
Nor has she said much about her policies if she is elected. She has said that on day one, she would fix inflation. (Well, she’s been VP for over 1,300 days and has done nothing about inflation except make it worse.)
Harris has outlined no vision for her administration, Kennedy observed, but instead has relied on “middle school tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!) and name calling (‘Republicans are weird.’)”
Perhaps one of her worst offenses has been her intentional and direct lies about the health and competence of President Biden, noted Kennedy. She has explicitly stated on multiple occasions that the claims about Biden’s infirmity were completely wrong when she knew he was experiencing significant cognitive decline.
In other words, she is a vacuous liar.
On Friday, 8/23, Kennedy announced his withdrawal from the Presidential race and his endorsement of Donald Trump. He used the announcement to repeat all the Harris failings he outlined in his 8/15 tweet.
Let’s look at Harris, the candidate. Leftist parents raised her. Her father is a Marxist economics professor emeritus at Stanford University, and her now-deceased mother, a biomedical researcher, was a civil rights activist at Berkeley, where she was also involved with the Afro American Association.
That organization was instrumental in founding the Black Panther Party, a Marxist organization. Harris’s mother was not explicitly identified as a Marxist but was well known as a radical.
Harris was steeped from birth in a leftist ideology.
Is it any wonder that she picked Tim Walz as her running mate, a man completely enamored with Mao Zedong?
As a teacher, he led more than 30 trips taking Minnesota High School students to China. Each trip lasted several weeks and was sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party. During these trips, he routinely picked up dozens of Mao’s Little Red Book, that is, “Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong,” for distribution upon his return to the U.S.
How is it that military men and women who support President Trump are under suspicion as extremists, but Walz is presented as Captain America even though while he was a member of the National Guard, he was cozy with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and was enamored with Mao Zedong?
Mao, a communist and genuine extremist, was responsible for the deaths of between 40 and 80 million of his people.
(When I served in the military, had I been close to the CCP and expressed a love of Mao, I would have at minimum, lost my security clearance and most likely would have been kicked out of the Air Force with a bad conduct discharge.)
The Kamala Harris campaign still has not laid out her platform or what policies she will support. While we do not have much in the way of official statements, we know some things.
First, the other day, she came out and said she intends to implement price controls to combat inflation due to price-gouging greedy corporations. The next day, after Democrats and Republicans blasted the proposal, her staff corrected the statement to say she intended to go after price gouging, not to implement price controls. Still, she plans to go after those greedy grocery chains raking in about 1.2% profits.
It’s not clear how much she thinks grocery stores should make.
Second, she plans to increase capital gains tax to 44.6%, more than double the current rate. (This is also almost 24% higher than the rate in communist China.)
She additionally plans to impose a wealth tax on those with more than $100 million in assets.
Third, Harris repeatedly said throughout her tenure that she and Biden have worked tirelessly to achieve equity (equal outcomes), using all available government influence to achieve this goal. Equity is not equality.
Equity embodies the communist principle of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” a principle straight from the pen of Karl Marx and has never worked anywhere.
In 2019, when she was running for President, Harris said she would ban fracking, require the registration of all guns, require the mandatory buyback of all assault rifles, she wanted universal healthcare and the elimination of private health insurance, she supported the Green New Deal and the Paris Agreement, and she proposed ending cash bail among many other leftist positions.
Her staff says she changed her mind on most of these positions, but there have been no explanations or clarifications.
Almost the entire media is providing cover and support to Harris’s campaign. There is no demand from them for her to submit to interviews, debates, or explanations of her positions.
The media are an extension of her campaign.
There is no question that Harris and Walz are the most extreme leftist candidates, by far, ever to run for President and Vice President.
How did we come to this? Almost 70 years ago, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev said the following:
“We will take America without firing a shot…We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” (Reportedly from an address to Western Ambassadors at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.)
Look around.
See what is happening.
We are in the final stages of the plan Khrushchev laid out. We have Socialists openly and unrepentantly serving at all levels of government. Harris and Walz, based on their background, their policies, and their statements, are two of them. Also, at this point, the left has succeeded in gaining control over almost all elements of our society.
They dominate in government at all levels, including in the bureaucracies. They have taken over academics. They control the news media. They have secured supremacy in our cultural institutions—music, TV, film making.
The left is the dominant power. They control the information we access on virtually every platform except X. They have taken control of corporations through the dominance of leftist-run investment companies like BlackRock and Vanguard, which insist on promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well as Environmental, Social, and Governance principles in the companies they invest in.
And the left counts on big media and Hollywood to trumpet the false narratives they use to promote to maintain their control—MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy, President Trump, if reelected, will be a dictator worse than Hitler, President Trump will use the Justice Department to persecute his enemies, and on and on.
Conversely, those same media and Hollywood elites do everything they can to suppress the truth from being revealed, like the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the truth about the Russia hoax, the truth about police shootings of the unarmed, the truth about the communist ties of BLM, until recently the truth about President Biden’s health.
There is an endless series of truths that never see the light of day because of this leftist-dominated information cabal.
I don’t know if Robert Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump for President will have any effect. I hope it will. I hope President Trump regains the Presidency and starts to straighten out the mess the Biden/Harris administration has made of our economy, the border, international affairs, energy production, crime control, everything.
Whatever happens in this election, whoever wins, I hope the criticism of the Democrat Party by RFK, Jr., one of their own, a member of the Democrat aristocracy, will result in more people beginning to recognize that something has gone profoundly wrong with that Party.
Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist theorist, proposed in the 1930s that conquering the West for communism would require a “long march through the institutions.”
German student activist Rudi Dutschke popularized this approach in the late 1960s. It spread throughout the West at light speed by the likes of Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis, Bill Ayers, Derrick Bell.
This march has been going on for decades now, and the Democrat party has been captured by those who are leading it.
RFK, Jr. sees it. Do you?