Chicago…Weeping For Her Children

Written by Mark Elfstrand

The alarms were sounded throughout every village and upon every non-existent city hill—the Democrats are coming to Chicago! And indeed it’s true! The Democratic National Convention chose Chicago as their host city in 2024.

The dates are Monday, August 19th through Thursday, August 22nd.

They could hardly have picked a more like-minded community in which to gather. A cursory look back at the city’s history would inform us that William Lane Thompson was the last of his kind to be Mayor of Chicago. His “kind” being Republican!

Known as “Big Bill,” he served as Chicago’s Mayor from 1915 to 1923 and again from 1927 to 1931. A number of historians rank him “among the most unethical mayors in American history.” It had something to do with his open alliance to Al Capone.

But we must not kid ourselves.

Political shenanigans and dead people who somehow still vote are part of Chicago history regardless of party. It’s just that, still today, Republicans are nowhere to be found in Chicago government. Apparently, not enough dead voters to elect them!

And that’s true for a good majority of Illinois politicians as well.

Oh, we’ve had a few Republican governors. A couple, like former Democratic Governor Rod Blagojavich, helped make our license plates for a while. Wherever you look, it seems like absolute power corrupts, well, you know…absolutely.

The city has done whatever is within their power to keep the city at peace during the convention. Keep in mind “peace” in Chicago comes with qualifiers. A “peaceful” weekend might well mean fewer than ten people were shot or even killed within the city limits.

For example, 100 people were shot, 21 of them fatally, over the Fourth of July holiday period.

Threats of demonstrations and protests over the Middle East issues and whatever else bugs you have been going on for weeks in the city. But…“Just move along folks. Nothing to see here.” Especially at convention time.

John Roberson, the city’s chief operating officer, put it this way:

“What we are going to do is to make sure that every single visitor, delegate or not, will be safe. We’re going to make sure that those who are going to engage in the full expression of their First and Fourth amendment rights are going to be safe.”

If you say so.

We already know the so-called platform issues. We know who the candidate for President is. Just not the one many Democrats expected.

What we don’t know is who really most influenced that decision to change the lead dog.

As Democrats convene in Chicago, one kingpin issue looms large again. Enormously large. The killing of the innocents. AKA—aborting babies. For some seemingly inexplicable reasons, Democrats cry out for social justice and then shout even louder about the right to murder those in the womb.

Makes no sense. 

Because of this mission to keep aborting babies, the voice for other social justice issues slackens to a whimper. The language of the party platform for Democrats spells out all they hope to do to fix our broken land. But not where it’s broken the most.

You’ve heard this language, right?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The right…to life. Endowed to us by our Creator.

Fairness requires me to say that among the hundreds of thousands of Democrats in America, there are those who advocate for the pro-life cause. In essence, however, they are told to “shut up.” No convention appeal will be made to support their view. Perhaps ever. And it’s sad.

It’s widely known that the Democratic candidate for the Presidency of our nation went on a tour specifically to promote abortion rights. She waves her flag proudly in defense of the atrocity. That is, unless the LGBTQ+ flag has not already usurped that spot.

Like it has our American flag on numerous occasions.

God has made His voice known on our aberrant dastardly behavior in killing children, whether inside the womb or not. Prophets including Jeremiah quoted the Almighty with these words:

“They have built high places to Baal on which to burn their children in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, something I have never commanded or mentioned; I never entertained the thought.” (Jeremiah 19:5, HCSB)

Killing innocent babies not only enters our minds, it shapes our political ideas of “freedom” by calling it the “right to choose.” Sick.

So Democrats will party hearty in Chicago August 19th through August 22nd. But meanwhile, angels weep in heaven.

Mark Elfstrand is a Christian husband, father and grandfather. A 40-year radio veteran, Mark has been a drive time air personality in Sacramento, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, including WMBI and WYLL. He has also served in various ministry leadership positions. His current endeavors can be found at