IRS Whistleblower Accuses DOJ of Obstruction & Perjury

Written by David E. Smith

There is a good chance that you, like most of us, have become numb to the news of corruption, scandal, allegations of wrongdoing, and Congressional investigations. It is obvious to even the most casual observer, Democrats in Washington D.C. have weaponized the government to punish and dissuade anyone who threatens their despotism. Of course, you will never hear the drive-by media phrase it that honestly.

This is why we think it is important to call your attention to a development that many could have missed regarding the Biden family.

As we went into the long Independence Day weekend, damning testimony was released that implicates Attorney General Merrick Garland in perjury and obstruction of justice. The testimony, which was provided by former Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyer Gary Shapley, alleges that Garland lied under oath to U.S. Congress about his role in the Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden investigation. Shapley also alleges that Garland obstructed justice by removing him from the case after he refused to go along with the Department’s efforts to bury the investigation.

Shapley told CBS News that he was repeatedly prevented from taking steps he would have considered routine in other cases. For example, he said that he was told not to pursue leads that involved Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China.

The other whistleblower, who asked the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee to keep his identity secret, said that he was taken off the investigation in October 2022 and informed of the decision by officials at the IRS. However, he believes that his removal was actually ordered by officials in the Justice Department.

The DOJ has denied the allegations of interference, and Attorney General Garland has said that the investigation into Hunter Biden was “conducted thoroughly and fairly.” However, the whistleblowers’ allegations have raised questions about whether the Justice Department was influenced by political considerations.

The allegations of interference in the Hunter Biden investigation are just one of several controversies that have surrounded the president’s son. Hunter Biden has been criticized for his business dealings in Ukraine and China, and he has admitted to using drugs, alcohol and prostitutes. However, he has not been charged with any felonies.

The allegations of interference in the Hunter Biden investigation are still under investigation, and it is unclear whether they will lead to a federal indictment. However, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said recently in an interview on Fox News Channel and in a Tweet, he will start the impeachment process:

We highly recommend watching/listening to this episode of “Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast to learn more about this very serious issue. As usual, the podcast is moderated by Ben Ferguson.

Read more:

Top Republicans Demand Federal Investigation Into Retaliation Against IRS Whistleblowers (The Federalist)

This Scandal Will Lead to the Bidens’ Convictions for Serious Felonies (The Daily Signal)

U.S. Senator Kennedy Describes the Biden Family Cover-Up As Only He Can (Townhall)