SPOTLIGHT: Fetal Rights and the End of Roe

Written by David E. Smith

Could the Fourteenth Amendment, specifically the Equal Protection Clause, be the means by which Roe v. Wade is overturned? Dr. Steve Jacobs, program director of Illinois Right to Life, joins IFI’s Monte Larrick and Jenna Smith to explain why he is confident the U. S. Supreme Court will overturn this landmark decision. Beginning with the question of what “pro-life” really means, Dr. Jacobs discusses his reservations about basing law on states’ rights and shares why he feels the issue of equality ought to be the essence of the pro-life movement.

After the break, the conversation turns to Illinois, the Abortion Destination of the Midwest. Dr. Jacobs provides staggering statistics regarding the actual number of abortions performed in Illinois and the projected increase we can expect due to the warm welcome our state provides to minors, teens, and adult women – from any state – who want to murder their preborn babies. Additionally, Dr. Jacobs offers suggestions for countering the abortion industry and culture in Illinois and effectively enacting change by engaging with pro-life friends and others. The podcast concludes with preparations and prayer points Christians can focus on as we await the Supreme Court’s expected decision in June.

Dr. Jacobs graduated with a law degree (JD) from Northwestern University School of Law and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He has been the program director of Illinois Right to Life since August 2019.