Trump’s High Pro-Life Priority
Written by Molly Carman
Soon after his release from Walter Reed Military Hospital where he received treatment for the coronavirus, President Donald Trump prioritized communicating the importance of pro-life legislation. Yesterday, President Trump posted a series of tweets concerning his pro-life convictions by reiterating his stance on the abortion issue and drawing attention to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s position.
Trump’s first tweet drew attention to comments made by Joe Biden during a town hall meeting last night in Miami, Florida. During the event, a voter asked the Democratic nominee, “Considering the new Supreme court nominee of Amy Coney Barrett, what are your particular plans to protect women’s reproductive rights in the U.S.?” Biden responded, “Number one, we do not exactly know what she will do, although the expectation is that she may very well…overrule Roe. But the only thing, the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land, that’s what I would do.”
Trump’s response: “Wow. Joe Biden just took a more Liberal position on Roe v. Wade than Elizabeth Warren…”
In his second tweet, Trump reminded the nation of the real agenda of the Left:
Biden and Democrats just clarified the fact that they are fully in favor of (very) LATE TERM ABORTION, right up until the time of birth, and beyond – which would be execution. Biden even endorsed the Governor of Virginia, who stated this clearly for all to hear. GET OUT & VOTE!!!
While the media has repeatedly sought to “fact-check” the president on this claim, the truth is that Governor Ralph Northam (D-VA) defended a proposed 2019 law that would have legalized abortion up to the point of birth. But not only did Northam endorse the bill, he implied he was comfortable with abortion even after birth.
Moreover, the president’s characterization of the Biden/Harris ticket’s position on abortion is on point considering vice president nominee Kamala Harris voted twice against pro-life legislation earlier this year. The first was the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would have outlawed abortions of unborn children at 20 weeks gestation, the age at which they can feel pain. The second was the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would have protected the lives of babies that survive failed abortions.
Questions about abortion and the positions of the candidates in the 2020 election has only increased over the past few days. These positions are not just a matter of preference but of life and death. This is not the first time that President Trump has spoken clearly and directly about the issue of abortion. For example, within his first few days in office, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which ensures that taxpayers’ money does not fund international organizations that perform or promote abortion. He has also worked closely with HHS on instituting an extensive audit before permitting fetal tissue research, as well as defending the conscientious objection of nurses and other health care professionals to abstain from abortion procedures. In addition, President Trump became the first president to speak at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. You can read the whole list of his other pro-life accomplishments as well as his accomplishments for the family and religious liberty at prayvotestand.org/actions.
President Trump is right to prioritize pro-life legislation and draw attention to the contrast between his policies and those proposed by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. Americans need a president who values life and human dignity for the sake of the next generation and the survival of our nation. We need a president who will not only say he values life, human dignity, and individual rights, but defends, protects, and promotes them.
This article was originally published at the FRCAction blog.