Old Fashioned and Modern Day Election Fraud
Written by Jane Ryan Carrell
Let’s look at some of the early forms of election fraud. A historian might tell us of elections two centuries ago, but we won’t go back that far. Instead, let’s consider forms of fraud practiced in Chicago in the Richard J. Daley era: the fifties, sixties and early seventies. Daley died of a heart attack Dec. 20, 1976 at the age of 74, after being elected in 1975 for his sixth 4-year term, holding office until his death. Obituaries characterized the Mayor as “head of this city’s Democratic machine and one of the most powerful Democrats in the country for more than two decades.” [1]
I met a lady at a Tea Party meeting who wanted to share a story of her mother’s experience in the Richard J. Daley era, working as a Democrat election judge. Democrat election judges would begin growing a long thumbnail 5-6 weeks before the election. Why would they need that, you wonder?
Well, it seems the long thumbnail was put to good use in the general elections. In the primary election, voters would have to ask for the ballot of their party. It was known if they had requested a Republican primary ballot, for it showed on the person’s registration record.
For the general election, however, when a voter arrived and checked in with the election judge, he was handed a ballot. If he were a Republican, the judge would crease the ballot with his thumbnail before handing it to the voter. When the polls closed, the ballots were dumped out on a table and “spoiled ballots” were put in a separate pile. These were the ballots with the thumbnail mark. Since these ballots were spoiled, they were not counted with the rest of the ballots. A few Republican ballots might escape this fate, but not surprisingly, the Democrat candidate always won.
It was crude and low-tech, but it worked to the benefit of Mayor Daley’s party.
What techniques has our digital age brought to stealing elections? James O’Keefe of Project Veritas Action decided to implant spies in two organizations working for the election of Hillary Clinton in 2016. O’Keefe thought he would obtain damning proof of illegal activities, and he wasn’t disappointed. The young spies who wore hidden cameras deserve high praise for nerves of steel!
In October of 2016, O’Keefe released the video recordings detailing multiple dirty tricks employed in the months before the November election. There is little doubt that the revelations may have prevented use of effective illegal vote-stealing strategems in states like Wisconsin. Sadly, even Fox News refused to air any of the Project Veritas video clips, but conservatives disseminated them widely.
O’Keefe told SiriusXM host Alex Marlow, “We know that the media is corrupt and biased. It’s become a cliche. But this is something I’ve never seen. We’re like the barbarians at the gate. There are millions of people on Twitter who are trumpeting this. I’m getting 10,000 retweets, and yet not a single crack in the mainstream media.” 3
O’Keefe had implants in two organizations dedicated to the election of Hillary Clinton. At 1:00 pm every day, a conference call was held with the Hillary campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and call participants would detail their activities on behalf of the Hillary campaign.
One Democrat operative, Scott Foval, was National Field Director for Americans United for Change. [2] This was a “Dirty Tricks” arm of Hillary’s campaign, but existed separately from the actual campaign. Foval would brag to the spy, who had taken a job with the organization, about hiring mentally ill persons to attend Trump rallies to instigate fights. Another operative would brag about the planned University of Illinois at Chicago Trump rally having been cancelled due to their underhanded efforts.
Marlow summed up the state of Project Veritas’ investigation:
“You’ve infiltrated a Clinton Super PAC. Not only have you exposed that they claim to be communicating regularly with the Clinton campaign, which is illegal, but they are putting in massive amounts of resources to quite aggressively create violence during the Trump rallies, and then plan to blame them on Trump.” [3] [4]
Violence at rallies was one strategem. But casting actual votes for Hillary by out-of-staters was favorite ploy. Said Field Director Foval,
“It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say, “Well, they’re bussing people in.” Well, you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fucking assholes for fifty years and we’re not going to stop now, we’re just going to find a different way to do it.” [5]
Earlier in the conversation, Foval had referenced that prior use of buses to transport Chicagoans to vote in Wisconsin and Iowa had been supplanted by the use of separate cars bearing in-state plates. It was an expensive effort, but very worthwhile.
Field Director Foval unwittingly revealed the Dark Money chain of payment for the operations. The Clinton campaign would pay the DNC, which would pay Democracy Partners, which would pay the Foval Group, which would conduct the operations on the ground. There is a “double blind” between the DNC and the black arts operations, which gives the DNC deniability. [6] [7]
Wisconsin used to be “Fun City” for illegal election activities, when all a person needed to produce was a utility bill to vote as that person. A Wisconsin Voter ID law, passed years before a series of court challenges permitted its implementation, finally came into effect and has prevented some previous forms of election fraud. For example, in the 2000 election, when Al Gore faced George W. Bush, a Marquette University student called a Milwaukee radio station on election day to brag that he had voted 25 times. [8]
Following the 2008 election, a survey of Milwaukee voters was conducted by the League of Young Voters in April of 2012. A Gateway Pundit article reported the left-wing group’s extrapolation that
“nearly 160,000 African-American voters in Milwaukee were no longer reachable at their last documented address — representing 41 percent of the city’s 2008 electorate…. Canvassers were able to successfully find and interact with only 31 percent of their targets. Twice that number were confirmed to no longer live at the address on file — either because a structure was abandoned or condemned, or if a current resident reported that the targeted voter no longer lived there.”
In four years time, three fifths of Milwaukee’s black voters had vanished without a trace!
Jane Ryan Carrell is a grandma as well as a graduate of Loyola University New Orleans and Brown University. Jane has written on topics of election fraud, pro-life and “Global Warming.” She is past president of Winnebago County Right to Life and a former board member of Illinois Federation for Right to Life. She serves on the board of the Illinois Conservative Union, some of whose members have recently informed the Illinois State Board of Elections that they will be sued if they do not provide the group the state voter rolls, as required by the NVRA, National Voter Registration Act (“Motor Voter” Act).
[3] http://www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/10/18/james-okeefe-media-covered-project-veritas-liketrump-tape-guarantee-trump-win-election/
[4] Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY
[5] Rigging the Election – Video II: Mass Voter Fraud
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