Chicago Tribune Endorses Feckless Bruce Rauner for Governor

Written by Laurie Higgins

The Chicago Tribune just endorsed “No-Social-Agenda” Rauner for governor. Yes, the man named the “Worst Republican Governor in America” by National Review, the man who admitted that after three years in office he’s “not in charge,” and the man who went down in ignominious and humiliating defeat in his debate with Jeanne Ives was just endorsed by the Chicago Tribune.

The Trib’s endorsement of Pinocchio Rauner reveals that the issues that matter most to the Trib are the dismissively called “social issues.” Just two weeks ago, the editorial board waxed enthusiastic about Ives’ debate performance and her command of policy. In addition, they know full well that Ives would stand up to Speaker of the House Mike Madigan. So why endorse the incompetent, deceitful Pinocchio Rauner? Well, it’s those pesky “social issues.” Trib editors detest Ives’ views on marriage, children’s rights, co-ed private spaces, and falsified birth certificates. And Trib editors reveal–again–their anti-Catholic bigotry.

Remember this the next time someone attempts to trivialize the “social issues.” Those issues are monumentally important. The Left gets that. The GOP largely doesn’t. In fact, the eradication of public recognition of sex differences, the abolition of marriage and family, and the legalized slaughter of humans will ultimately result in the destruction of America.

Read more:  Rauner’s Deceitful Campaign Ads

February Matching Challenge

As you may know, IFA has a year-end matching challenge to raise $40,000. That’s right, a great group of pro-family supporters are colluding with us to provide a $20,000 matching challenge to help support IFA’s political (non-tax deductible) work to educate and activate Illinois’ Christian community for the March 20th primary.

Please consider helping us reach this goal!  Your donation will help us fight for our values in Springfield in the years to come!  To make a credit card donation over the phone, please call the IFA office at (708) 781-9371.  You can also send a gift to:

Illinois Family Action
P.O. Box 93
Mokena, Illinois 60448