WikiLeaks: Damning Evidence That Obama LIED About Hillary’s Server

Written by Amanda Prestigiacomo

On March 7, 2015, President Barack Obama looked the American people in the eye and assured them that he had no prior knowledge of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s private email server before news hit, telling CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante that he learned about his former secretary of state’s private server “[t]he same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”

The recent WikiLeaks release of Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails suggests otherwise. According to information released by the hacker group, Obama knew full well about the private server and lied to the American people about it. In fact, FBI email releases have confirmed that the president corresponded with Hillary in at least 18 exchanges, and that he used a pseudonym—which alone raises some eyebrows about the president’s awareness of Hillary’s private server.

Providing further damning evidence of Obama’s apparent bold lie to the American public, an email uncovered on Tuesday, dated March 7, 2015, revealed Hillary campaign secretary Josh Scherwin alerting official Jennifer Palmieri about Obama’s seemingly false omission during his earlier CBS interview.

“Jen, you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news,” he wrote in the email, with the subject line, “POTUS on HRC emails.”

In a forward of that email, Hillary confidant and attorney Cheryl Mills messaged Podesta: “we need to clean this up—he has emails from her—they do not say”

“To be clear, Mills was affirming that Obama and Clinton had e-mailed each other, and that it was done via Clinton’s private e-mail address—Clinton did not use a government ‘’ e-mail address, as State Department officials are supposed to do,” notes National Review.

In sum, it is seemingly impossible to believe that Obama did not know about Hillary’s private email server, as he engaged in at least 18 different email exchanges with her private account, used an alias, and, as WikiLeaks has uncovered, turned Team Hillary into a fit of panic when he falsely claimed on March 7 that he had no idea about Hillary’s private server—hence the whole, “we need to clean this up” remark.

Damning indeed.

Article originally published at