Hustler’s Larry Flynt Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hustler Magazine Founder Larry Flynt’s recent endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is not only raising eyes across political lines, but hopes on the Left … and for good reason.

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

As a longstanding supporter of the Clintons, the millionaire who’s built his fortune on pornography for decades is fully aware of the far-reaching ramifications of a Hillary election.

“I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president,” Flynt told Bloomberg. “If Hillary gets in, chances are she’s going to have an opportunity to appoint two, maybe three justices … and we could shift the balance there.”

The notorious publishing tycoon is known to be quite savvy when it comes to political posturing working to the advantage of his business.

“The structure of the high court relates to how Flynt is permitted to do ‘business,’” informed Grove City College Political Science Professor Paul Kengor on Center for Vision & Values. “I was forced to dig into the tawdry Flynt-Clinton relationship in my 2007 book on Mrs. Clinton, God and Hillary Clinton, [where], I detailed a scarcely acknowledged fact concerning the Clinton years — namely, that Bill’s presence in the Oval Office was a boon for the porn industry.”

You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

Illustrating the dynamic between the Clintons and the porn industry, Kengor points to Frontline’s 2002 PBS documentary titled American Porn, which quoted Mark Cromer, the producer of Hustler’s X-rated video, “When [Bill] Clinton Comes In” — referring to his move into the White House.

“[I]t’s definitely blue skies and green lights and fat bank accounts,” Cromer stated.

Kengor recalled how decades ago, the Clintons were instrumental in loosening the government’s vise grips on the porn industry.

“The green light was directly traceable to the Clinton administration,” to pro-family voice explained. “In the 1980s, the porn industry was on the defensive, targeted by the Reagan administration, notably the vigilant efforts of Attorney General Ed Meese. Then, in the early 1990s, federal porn prosecutions suddenly halted with the arrival of the Clinton administration and its ‘different priorities’ under President Clinton’s Justice Department.”

Soon thereafter, the war on pornography was reportedly reduced to a mere whisper.

“Under Attorney General Reno, federal prosecutions slowed dramatically, and the obscenity task force effectively went out of business,” Frontline declared.

Out of gratitude to Bill Clinton for the White House’s supportive treatment during his administration, Flynt backed the then commander-in-chief during the biggest scandal of his presidency.

“The Hustler ‘empire’ was so ecstatic with Bill Clinton that Larry Flynt went to bat for him during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, investigating the sexual lives of the president’s opponents,” Kengor noted. “So busy was Flynt that Washington Post columnist Michael Kelly christened him ‘the president’s pornographer.’”

According to the Christian college professor and author, the relationship between Flint and the Clintons, when compared to that of George W. Bush, was nothing less than love-hate.

“Flynt is the first to gratefully admit that the porn industry enjoyed a resurrection under Bill Clinton, until things soured again for a time under George W. Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft,” the conservative author points out. “Flynt, not coincidentally, despises Bush.”

Flynt’s new passion for the Clintons

As the 2016 presidential election nears, Flynt has more reason to support the Democrat’s newest frontrunner coming out of the Clinton family.

“As for Hillary Clinton … Flynt is again excited.” Dr. Kengor points out. “And his excitement relates to a crucial factor: abortion. It’s the elephant in Flynt’s living room, and strikes at why this Flynt-Clinton thing has serious larger political-cultural implications.”

And even though Dr. James Dobson dubbed Barack Obama last year as “the abortion president,” Kengor argues that Hillary Clinton would have no problem taking over that title — a fact of which he says Flynt is well aware as he looks to protect his business interests.

“Larry Flynt and his industry need abortion badly … [a]nd there’s no one more extreme in supporting legalized abortion than Hillary Clinton,” Kengor contends. “In my book on Mrs. Clinton, I laid out at her striking stridency, going all the way back to her Arkansas gynecologist and friend, William F. Harrison, the state’s leading abortionist, who snuffed out the lives of literally tens of thousands of unborn babies. I interviewed Harrison for the book. He adored Hillary and her zealousness for ‘abortion rights.’”

The Christian author also highlights Hillary’s recently stated strong sympathy and support for the abortion industry, calling her comments on the Hobby Lobby case “horrific” in her “fanatical” backing for so-called “women’s reproductive rights.” He also says that Flynt and his clientele have a personal vested interest in supporting abortion.

“Of course, that’s what Larry Flynt and the porn industry need in the White House,” Kengor continued. “When one of his female ‘performers’ accidentally gets pregnant, Flynt wants her to head to a Planned Parenthood clinic. Many of his male consumers likewise want abortion legal, to free them of certain moral responsibilities. They’re depending on Mrs. Clinton to keep that spigot flowing.”

Kengor then notes the irony of a self-proclaimed feminist supporting such an industry exploiting women.

“Never mind, of course, that this blatant sexual objectification and exploitation of women for purely selfish male-centered reasons ought to infuriate feminists like Mrs. Clinton,” the Ohio professor laments. “For radical feminists, however, Flynt is tolerated because he supports their high priority: legalized abortion.”

Highlighting feminists’ eagerness to endorse the Clintons, Kengor says that it is mostly due to their unconditional support of abortion.

“Indeed, feminists forgave so much of Bill Clinton’s sexual conduct for the same reason,” the professor asserts. “This was unforgettably and crudely expressed in 1998 by journalist Nina Burleigh, who covered the White House for Time. I will not quote her graphic comment, but, in short, she fully defended Bill Clinton’s sexual ruination of very young women (interns, no less) ‘just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.’”

Kengor insists that the give-and-take relationship between Flynt and the Clintons might be offensive to many, but that it’s effective business and politics for both.

“[Flynt] is banking on a President Hillary Clinton being good for him and his industry,” the educator concludes.  “And that’s no laughing matter.”

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