Posts tagged: USDA

Democrats: Out of Touch and Loving It

Written by Robert Knight

A star was born last week in the great state of Maine. State Representative Laurel Libby, a Republican state legislator from the Auburn area, refused to apologize for a social media post criticizing transgender athletes.

Her post showed two photos of the same male pole-vaulter. One was taken at a boys’ event that he didn’t win, and the other showed him atop the podium after winning a girls’ competition. Ms. Libby’s comment was:

“Another day, another instance of an unremarkable male athlete (who couldn’t win against other males) dominating girls’ sports.”

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The 2024 Festivus Report is Ugly

Written by David E. Smith

If you are not familiar with the annual “Festivus Report,” by U.S. Senator, Dr. Rand Paul (R-KY), and are concerned with out-of-control government spending, you will want to read this short summary.

The “Festivus Report” is a mind-blowing critique of irresponsible (if not reckless) federal government spending. The 2024 report highlights $1,008,313,329,626.12 (that’s over $1 trillion) in government waste, detailing the ways our taxpayer dollars were used unnecessarily and/or frivolously.Continue Reading