Posts tagged: Stop ERA Illinois

SPOTLIGHT: The Consequences of Implementing the ERA

Written by John Biver

Monte Larrick recently caught up with Elise Bouc, the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. They discuss the push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the United State’s Constitution, only requiring two more states to approve it before it becomes a federal amendment.


When the ERA was stopped back in the 1970s, people understood that the wording of the Amendment was flawed, Bouc explains, and we need to remove the discussion of “equal opportunities” for women from this poorly worded proposal.… Continue Reading

The Consequences of Implementing the ERA (Illinois Family Spotlight #090)

Monte Larrick recently caught up with Elise Bouc, the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. They discuss the push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the United State’s Constitution, only requiring two more states to approve it before it becomes a federal amendment.

Please contact your state representative and ask him or her to please vote NO on the Equal Rights Amendment.

When the ERA was stopped back in the 1970s, people understood that the wording of the Amendment was flawed, Bouc explains, and we need to separate the discussion of “equal opportunities” for women from this proposal.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Equal Rights Amendment is a War on Women

Written by Benjamin Smith

Elise Bouc is the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. She joins Monte and Dave on this week’s podcast to discuss the extensive negative consequences of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the state of Illinois and the nation.

Phyllis Schlafly, Beverly LaHaye, and former state representative Penny Pullen were champions of battling and exposing the ERA because of the harm to women. And one unlikely woman confirmed their grave concerns.… Continue Reading