Posts tagged: Paul Singer

The Foul Stench in Washington

Written by Walker Wildmon

Traditionally in America, representatives and senators carry out the will of the people in our nation’s capital. Sadly, this is not the case in the modern political era. Many of today’s politicians are more concerned with their own interests rather than the interests of our country.

Mitch McConnell has been in the news recently for the fact that little good is getting done in the U.S. Senate under his leadership. Here are a few examples of this lack of progress.… Continue Reading

LGBT Activist Attempts to Gain Christian’s Trust. Don’t Fall For It



Written by Mat Staver

It is not surprising that those seeking to advance the LGBT agenda would work through left-leaning organizations, but one billionaire who has his eye on millennials has begun partnering with Hobby Lobby and its Museum of the Bible.

Paul Singer has been targeting Republican candidates, lawmakers, and the Republican Party platform. Now, he is reaching out to Christian students on college campuses.

Singer has an elaborate funding and organizational scheme that appears to support Christians and gain their goodwill while at the same time working against them to advance his same-sex marriage and LGBT agenda.… Continue Reading

Wealthy Homosexual Activists Fund Illinois RINOs

Written by Fran Eaton, Illinois Review

The drive to pass same-sex marriage in Illinois has drawn support from far and near. Last week, wealthy homosexual activists began pouring cash into state lawmakers’ campaign coffers. In addition to the money from Equality Illinois (story HERE), several nationally-known marriage redefinition funders rewarded Illinois GOP House members for supporting, and signing on as co-sponsors of, SB 10 – the gay marriage bill.

For example, Tim Gill, founder of Quark Industries, which he sold in 2009 to spend more time in promoting LGBT legislative efforts, sent Republican State Reps.

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