Posts tagged: National Review

Chicago Tribune Endorsement of Pinocchio Rauner

Written by Laurie Higgins

The Chicago Tribune has endorsed Bruce Rauner despite his lousy track record, his lousy debate performance, and his penchant for bald-faced lying (as amply demonstrated in his campaign ads).

The Trib sees Rauner’s resolve in opposing Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan as his chief accomplishment. But surely the editorial board knows that resolve in the service of principle is—along with her command of public policy—one of Ives’ most notable attributes.

So, why endorse Rauner who was named the “Worst Republican Governor in America” by National Review?… Continue Reading

National Review: Rauner is the Worst GOP Governor in America

Written by John Biver

Illinoisans have a lot to be proud of — we live in a beautiful state in the heart of America. Our people are hardworking, our soil is among the most productive in the world, our transportation systems are first rate, we have a world-class city and hundreds of great small towns. The list could go on and on.

But to our shame is our state government. Illinois is at or near the top on a lot of bad lists: corruption, tax burden, unfunded liabilities, and debt.… Continue Reading