Posts tagged: National Religious Broadcasters

SPOTLIGHT: Freedom Realized

Written by Ben Smith

Monte Larrick caught up with Stephen Black at the National Religious Broadcasters convention a few months ago. Black has been the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries since 2000 and is the author of the recently released book, Freedom Realized: Finding Freedom from Homosexuality and Living a Life Free from Labels.

In this podcast, Monte and Stephen address the scientific reality that people are not born homosexual, as well as discuss Illinois’ ban on reparative therapy and the resulting attack on churches that desire to offer help and hope to gender-confused youth.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Protecting the Homeland, Protecting Our Kids

Written by John Biver

Monte Larrick recently interviewed Philip Haney at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. Philip is a former Department of Homeland Security officer and congressional whistle-blower. They discuss what he exposed, the Parkland school attack, including government negligence, and how to prevent similar attacks.

Monte opened with the question, “what did you expose?” Here is Haney in his own words:

“During the Obama Administration I was on active duty [and] put information into the law enforcement database — we call it derogatory information — connecting the dots on two major groups: the Muslim Brotherhood, which a lot of us have heard about, and another group, Tablighi Jamaat…on terrorism and counter terrorism.”

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