Posts tagged: Matt Lauer

Sexual Misconduct, the Loss of Virtue, and the Rise of Careers

Written by Dean Abbott

The worst, and therefore most likely, outcome of the current rash of sexual misconduct accusations is that people will continue to think they are primarily about bodies, about who touched whose body, about who exposed his body when he shouldn’t have.  That most of us currently already assume that such incidents are mostly about bodies itself indicates our lack of vision.

Such interactions are really about souls – about the collective soul of our nation, and the sickness infecting it.… Continue Reading

Who Is Mocking the Pence Rule Now?

Written by Daniel John Sobieski

The chickens of the era of moral relativism are coming home to roost in the scandals that have rocked the studios of Hollywood, the green rooms of media moguls, and the cloak rooms of Congress. Are the cases of Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, John Conyers, and Charlie Rose et al any surprise in an era where traditional marriage and fidelity to one spouse of the opposite sex have been under assault and routinely mocked?… Continue Reading

Is Rand Paul More Liberal Than Obama on Foreign Policy?


Written by Samuel Smith

As U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) officially became the second Republican to formally announce his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on Tuesday, the 52-year-old obstetrician is already being attacked by conservatives as being “to the left of Obama” when it comes to his foreign policy and openness to negotiating with Iran.

Although Paul was victorious in the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll in February, some prominent conservatives and even a conservative political action group have wasted no time in jumping on the presidential candidate over his stance on foreign policy issues.… Continue Reading