Posts tagged: Katie Stuart

Illinois Legislators Are Creating a Sexless Society

Written by Jennifer M. Korte 
Former candidate for IL House Rep District 112 in 2022
Local advocate for common sense and political transparency

Illinois legislators are hard at work creating a sexless society. Using sex-neutral terminology, they are creating and changing legislation to remove any distinction between males and females. Moreover, they are trampling on advancements in our society for women’s rights and lawful protections, while endangering some of the most vulnerable members of our society.… Continue Reading

Your Help Needed This Saturday!

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Every election cycle politicians love to make the claim that this year’s race is the most important election of our lifetime. Of course, there is some validity in those calls-t0-action.

We don’t know what the future holds, but one thing we can tell you is that the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade has made every election moving forward eminently and critically important.

For the first time in 50 years electing pro-life legislators is more than just symbolic.… Continue Reading

Illinois’ Disastrous Leadership Making Headlines–Again

Written by Laurie Higgins

Recently the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board published a searing indictment of the abject failure of Illinois to educate its children, citing statistics from Illinois’ Wirepoints. The board writes,

No one thought Illinois schools were a shining beacon in the education landscape, but we didn’t know how truly awful so many of them are. A new report by Wirepoints using the state’s data shows that an epidemic of indifferent instruction and social promotion has left children unable to perform at even the most basic educational level.

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