Written by John Biver and David E. Smith
Illinois Family Action wants to provide an update regarding the upcoming leadership vote tomorrow of the Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC).
The Illinois GOP SCC is the state party’s governing board, with one member chosen from each congressional district. Those elections took place last month at county party conventions across the state. Tomorrow, the SCC will meet to elect a party chairman for a four-year term.
The reason this committee and the party chairman is important is that the quality of messaging, candidate recruitment, and support are dependent on the quality of the party leaders.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barb Viviano, Bob Grogan, Bruce Rauner, Chapin Rose, Char Foss-Eggman, Fred Floreth, Jack Dorgan, Jan Weber, Jay Reyes, John Cullerton, John McGlasson, Judy Diekelman, Mark Hosty, Mark Shaw, Michael Bigger, Michael Madigan, Roger Claar, Ryan Higgins, Sean Morrison, Shaun Murphy, Stan Bond, Tim Schneider
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
May 18, 2018 1:39 PM |
Comments Off on An Update on the Republican State Central Committee Party Leadership Vote
Written by John Biver
GOP County…what? Conventions? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know about them. The tired old guard Illinois Republican Party establishment didn’t want you hear about the conventions. The attendance of rank-and-file platform-supporting Republicans in this state would not have been good for them and they knew it. In fact, in Cook county the convention was run as a closed-door session where the party rules were not followed — you can read about one example here.… Continue Reading