Posts tagged: Jim Edwards

Walk the Precinct, Change Illinois

Written by John Biver

Here is the second of two videos aimed at encouraging more Christian conservatives to run for Precinct Committeeman. IFA’s Dave Smith is joined by northern Illinois activist Jan Klaas, and the Illinois Leadership Project’s chairman Jim Edwards.

Here is Dave’s strong introduction to this important and informative discussion:

I really want our viewers and our listeners to understand that the state of Illinois is in the position that its in right now…because people of faith — conservative Christians are just not engaged the way they should be… If more of us were engaged things would look a lot different.

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“Turning Illinois Around” (Illinois Family Spotlight #060)

This episode is the second and final podcast of David Smith’s conversation about GOP precinct committeeman with Jan Klaas, an IFA board member and former chair of the Winnebego County Republican Party, and Jim Edwards the chairman of the Illinois Leadership Project.

"Turning Illinois Around" (Illinois Family Spotlight #060)
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Conservative Christians Needed to Step Up

Monte Larrick’s introduction to the video posted below says it well:

“You see and feel what’s happening in Illinois…high taxes…fiscal chaos…businesses and your hard-working friends leaving the state…a liberal social agenda…and we can’t just blame Democrats for the mess in Illinois when too many Republicans are contributing to our state’s downfall.”

While there is much to cause despair, the truth is that Christian conservatives can make a huge impact — especially when it comes to the workings of the Republican Party.… Continue Reading

Christian Conservatives Needed to Rescue Illinois (Illinois Family Spotlight #058)

In this, the first of two podcasts aimed at encouraging more Christian conservatives to run for Precinct Committeeman, IFA’s Dave Smith, northern Illinois activist Jan Klaas, and the Illinois Leadership Project’s chairman Jim Edwards lay out the facts concerning this critical post.

Please listen to it, share it with like-minded friends, and consider running for and/or helping to recruit candidates for GOP Precinct Committeeman.

Read more about becoming a precinct committeeman HERE.

Watch a video recording of this podcast HERE.… Continue Reading