Written by Heather Niemetschek
On June 4, the Illinois House of Representatives passed House Bill 1287, including three amendments that made up the Democrats’ version of a workers’ compensation reform package. But the overarching theme of the debate was whether the amendments could be called “reform” at all.
A careful review of HB 1287 shows the House passed a bill lacking the cost-saving reforms Illinoisans desperately need.
Gov. Bruce Rauner has remained adamant for months that reform of the workers’ compensation laws in Illinois is one of the most important structural changes the General Assembly must address this session before the governor will consider revenue increases.… Continue Reading

Written by IllinoisReview.com
Illinois has a history of passing controversial legislation such as tax hikes during the last few hours before a new General Assembly is sworn in.
There’s two obvious reasons leadership uses this tactic: 1. Those members who were not re-elected are able to make votes for which they won’t be accountable to their districts, and 2. When the calendar moves into January, legislation no longer needs super majorities to pass, they go back to requiring simple majorities for bill passage.
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Protesters gather in front of Sullivan’s office late last year
to protest his support of marriage redefinition.
Written by David E. Smith
Despite promises to conservative members of the Illinois House Republican Caucus, Minority Leader Jim Durkin on Monday selected state Rep. Ed Sullivan, Jr. (R-Mundelein) to the Illinois House Republican Leadership Team. Representative Sullivan will take the spot left vacant by JoAnn Osmond who recently retired.
“Ed Sullivan has done a great job as one of our floor leaders and is always eager to help members of our caucus,” said Durkin.… Continue Reading