Written by David E. Smith
Illinois Republican candidates for U.S. Senate gathered at the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights on the evening of March 26, 2022 for an IFA candidate forum. Of the seven official candidates running for the GOP nomination, five candidates were able to join us for this special event:
The purpose of the forum (and the video) is to give Illinois voters an opportunity to hear directly from candidates without the interference, bias, and selective editing of the establishment media.… Continue Reading
Tags: Calvin Lindstrom, Case Chelebek, Ceasar LeFlore, James Pittman, Jimmy Lee Timllman II, Kathy Salvi, Matthew "Matt" Dubiel, Max Solomon, New Hope Community Church, Robert "Bobby" Piton, Shando Valdez
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
April 30, 2022 6:00 PM |
Comments Off on IFA’s 2022 U.S. Senatorial Candidate Forum
Written by IFA Staff
For the past several months, IFA staff and board members have been researching the candidates running for state and federal offices in order to make endorsements and/or recommendations to our valued subscribers. Through this process, we hope to determine who among the candidates fear God, have a good reputation, love truth, and will govern honestly and righteously (Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 29:2; Acts 6:3).
Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life, pro-family voters.… Continue Reading