Posts tagged: Invest in Kids Act

Travis Weaver Earns IFA’s Pro-Family Endorsement

Written by IFA Staff

We were very impressed with the energy, conservative values, and the leadership Travis Weaver, running for Illinois State Representative in District 93, showed at our interview session. His record of accomplishment and community involvement, at just 29 years old, gives us great encouragement for the future.

As the state’s only full time Christian pro-life/pro-family organization, Illinois Family Action is proud to endorse the following candidates running for office:

Travis Weaver makes his positions very clear, both spoken, and in writing to his potential constituents.… Continue Reading

IFA Endorsed: Win Stoller for Illinois Sen. Dist. 37

From IFA Staff Reports

Illinois Family Action is pleased to endorse Win Stoller for re-election to the 37th District. He is a strong and passionate defender of life from conception to natural death. He vehemently opposed the unilateral Pritzker lockdowns and has fought to reduce taxes and wasteful Springfield spending that hurts our families.

In his own words, from a district-wide mailing:

Pro-Life: Illinois State Senator Win Stoller is 100% pro-life and supports the unborn.

“It grieves me that our state has adopted the most extreme and radical abortion laws in the nation.

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