Posts tagged: Emanuel “Chris” Welch

After 37 Years, Illinois Democrats Elect a New House Speaker

Written by Hon. Jeanne Ives

Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) is no longer the Speaker of the Illinois House. He has been replaced by State Representative Emanuel Chris Welch (D-Winchester). I would withhold the applause or hope that things in Illinois will change.

First, Welch has been a reliable ally of Madigan since Welch was first elected in 2013.

Second, Welch saved Madigan from investigation by an Illinois House panel.

Third, he is responsible for supporting and voting for legislation that has made Illinois the worst run state in the Union.

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Arrogant and Immature Response from Illinois Progressive Lawmakers

Written by Laurie Higgins

If Illinoisans need any more evidence of the utter disdain that “progressive” members of the General Assembly have for voters, here’s the email Illinois Family Institute (IFI) received from 16 state representatives in response to our voter survey which is sent to all candidates running for state offices:

Dear Illinois Family Institute,

Please accept this as our response to your candidate survey.

Yours Truly,

Representative Jonathan Carroll (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Kelly Cassidy (Pronouns she/hers)

Representative Daniel Didech (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Sara Feigenholtz (Pronouns she/she/moi)

Representative Ann Williams (Pronouns she/hers)

Representative Will Guzzardi (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Bob Morgan (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Sam Yingling (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (Pronouns she/hers)

Representative Aaron Ortiz (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Delia Ramirez (Pronouns she/her/hers)

Representative Anna Moeller (Pronouns she/her)

Representative Maurice West II (Pronouns he/him/his)

Representative Lamont Robinson

Representative Emanuel “Chris” Welch

Representative Robyn Gabel

This was the entirety of their response.… Continue Reading