Posts tagged: Elementary School District 15

Enemies of Truth Wage War in School Districts 211 and 15

Written by Laurie Higgins

While conservatives with liquefied spines avert their gaze from co-ed restrooms and locker rooms in the schools their taxes subsidize, trying to pretend this issue doesn’t matter, the Left rubs their hands together in unseemly glee, knowing they are winning their anti-science war.

If conservatives would take a gander at what’s taking place in Illinois School Districts 211 and 15, they may begin to understand the nature of the war from which too many are AWOL.… Continue Reading

Don’t Overlook School Board Elections

‘Transgender’ Use of School Locker Rooms
Policy on the April 4th Ballot

Written by John Biver

Early voting has already begun in some locations. On the ballot will be candidates for municipal, township, park district, school board and other local governing bodies.

Too many voters think these races are not important, so turnout is typically very low. When turnout is lower – every vote carries much more weight. We have the chance to make a greater impact if we vote and encourage like-minded family, friends and neighbors to also vote.… Continue Reading

Candidates for School Board in Districts 211, U-46 and 15

Written by John Biver

Illinois Family Action wants to again highlight some important candidate information on the April 4th Board of Education elections as it relates to the important topic of privacy issues for students.

In High School District 211, there are 6 candidates running for 3 seats. Ralph BonatzKatherine David, and Jean Forrest have the endorsement of Illinois Family Action.

In Grade School District U-46, there are 5 candidates running for 3 seats.… Continue Reading