Posts tagged: Dr. Rob Reinow

Your Family and God’s Plan for the World (Illinois Family Spotlight #301)

Every parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle – anyone who loves and cares for the children in their family or sphere of influence – will want to listen to the second half of Dr. Rob Rienow’s presentation from IFI’s 2022 Worldview Conference! In his address entitled The Church, The Family, and The Kingdom of God, Dr. Rienow states that, while the church is doing a good job of investing in the next generation of Christ followers, the family is neglecting to hold up their end in their partnership with the church to reach the world.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Reinow and Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture

Written by Jenna Smith

In this week’s edition of IFA Spotlight, we feature a fantastic presentation from IFI’s recent worldview conference, delivered by our good friend Dr. Rob Reinow, founder and director of Visionary Family Ministries. Dr. Reinow begins this session with an amusing anecdote of how awful the reality of the blind leading the blind really is, and how it seems that many churches today are doing just that with their congregations. The reason is that we’re slipping up on a essential part of our faith, which is not believing the Scriptures are enough.… Continue Reading