Posts tagged: David Bauder

Little Trust for the ‘Democracy-Saving’ Media

Written by Tim Graham

The national media consider themselves essential in educating the electorate, so what happens when the electorate does not consider them a trustworthy guardian of democracy?

The Associated Press and the American Press Institute just released a poll on the 2024 election and found only 14% of their sample expressed “a great deal of confidence in election-related information they receive from national sources.” By contrast, 46% have little or no confidence at all in the information they receive from national news organizations.… Continue Reading

Pro-Biden Newsrooms Debate Censoring Trump

Written by Tim Graham

Donald Trump’s early primary victories have started the “newsroom debates” again. Associated Press media reporter David Bauder penned a story headlined “Trump’s live appearances pose a riddle that news executives still haven’t solved.

So, when a newsworthy event happens — like Trump’s victory speech after the New Hampshire primary — the pro-Biden networks worry “Trump will make false statements that are difficult, if not impossible, to correct in real time — or go completely off script with something entirely unexpected.”… Continue Reading