Written by John Biver
In this age of fake news it is problematic to cite big media reports as source material. Nevertheless, when State Representative Dave McSweeney says that Governor Bruce Rauner supported a tax increase if it was part of a “grand bargain,” then there is a good chance many of the links below are more factual than not.
Rep. McSweeney has been the most outspoken critic of Rauner of anyone in the General Assembly, and he didn’t wait for others to go public with their criticism — he led the way.… Continue Reading
Written by Kathy Valente
Politico recently reported that Governor Rauner’s “ongoing struggle with the politics of a controversial abortion bill hasn’t gone unnoticed by potential opponents.” A Democrat opponent in the 2018 gubernatorial race, J.B. Pritzker, has capitalized on “Rauner’s indecision with HB 40 by releasing a new statewide TV ad where the billionaire Democrat declares if he’s elected, HB 40 will be the first bill he signs.”
This comes on the heels of Pritzker, along with the bill’s sponsors, making a video about dropping off 4,000 postcards to Gov.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bruce Rauner, Dave McSweeney, Diana Rauner, HB 1785, HB 40, J. B. Pritzker, Personal PAC, Politico, SB 1564, Taxpayer funded abortion, Terry Cosgrove
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
September 25, 2017 4:00 AM |
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