Posts tagged: criminals

Staggering DOJ Study: 83 Percent of Prisoners Re-Arrested Within 9 Years of Release

Written by Daniel Horowitz

“The liberal approach of coddling criminals didn’t work and never will. Nothing in our Constitution gives dangerous criminals a right to prey on innocent, law-abiding people.” ~Ronald Reagan, Feb. 18, 1984

The cool kids in Washington promoting the Michael Dukakis crime agenda have a clever way of enticing conservatives to support the Soros anarchist agenda. “Well, conservatives, don’t you want to save money and actually enhance public safety with less recidivism?”

How dumb of us not to know that all along, the far Left was really right about crime and that somehow the miraculous drop in crime in the ’90s following tougher sentencing laws was just a figment of our imagination.… Continue Reading