Posts tagged: Cornwall Alliance

SPOTLIGHT: Clear Thinking About Climate Change

Written by Benjamin Smith

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, the founder and national spokesman of the Cornwall Alliance, discusses the misinformation being spread by climate change alarmists in this week’s podcast.  Even Pope Francis has weighed in, imploring world leaders to implement global environmental pacts to combat human-caused global warming.  Dr. Beisner explains why these misguided efforts to supposedly safeguard the future of the planet actually hurt the poor and the needy of the world.… Continue Reading

“I Used to Blame Obama For My Problems, Now I Blame Climate Change”(Spotlight #039)

Written by Benjamin Smith

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, the founder and national spokesman of the Cornwall Alliance, discusses the misinformation being spread by climate change alarmists in this week’s podcast.  Even Pope Francis has weighed in, imploring world leaders to implement global environmental pacts to combat human-caused global warming.  Dr. Beisner explains why these misguided efforts to supposedly safeguard the future of the planet actually hurt the poor and the needy of the world.… Continue Reading