Posts tagged: CCP virus

“Living the Truth in the Context of this Cultural Moment” (Illinois Family Spotlight #202)

More parents are looking to homeschooling and private education as government schools in Illinois face uncertainty because of the CCP virus and pro-LGBT history in classrooms starting very soon. During this time of racial unrest, leftists are pressing the U.S. Senate to pass The Equality Act: the game-changing legislation which would raise sexual attraction and “gender” perception to the same level as race in our laws. BreakPoint commentator John Stonestreet weighs in during this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight.… Continue Reading

“The Bill of Rights Has No Emergency Exceptions” (Illinois Family Spotlight #199)

On this edition of Spotlight, the four C’s: Constitution, constitutional rights, churches, and coronavirus share center stage. Our podcast leads off with attorney and constitutional scholar David Shestokas. Monte Larrick and David discuss how Governor J.B. Pritzker has overstepped his authority by issuing coronavirus-related executive orders that masquerade as law. Additionally, they contemplate the Governor’s true motivation, especially as his actions directly target churches, freedom of religion, and the right to peaceably assemble.

Midway through the podcast, Monte and David are joined by Pastor Richard Giovannetti who shares his pastoral perspective on how Illinois’ excessive restrictions are negatively impacting ministry, worship, and fellowship.… Continue Reading

“I Will Not Stand Idly By And Let Darkness Take Over Our Nation” (Illinois Family Spotlight #198)

Give me your young, your old, your faithful masses yearning to worship freely. This revision of The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus could well be the rallying cry of Pastor Steve Cassell of Beloved Church in Lena, IL. On this edition of Spotlight, Pastor Steve joins me for a timely discussion regarding the perilous intersection of COVID-19, governmental “authority,” and Constitutionally-guaranteed personal liberties.

Pastor Steve and I consider how churches and people of faith should respond to Illinois’ lockdown and examine the dangerous precedent that could be established by our governor’s abuse of his executive power.… Continue Reading

“We Need Our Churches Open and Operating, Not As Mere Monuments” (Illinois Family Spotlight #197)

While numerous businesses have been designated as “essential” and allowed to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Illinois’ governor has deemed houses of worship for all faith traditions as non-essential entities, denying people of faith access to these facilities for corporate worship and prayer. Monte Larrick spoke with Pro-Life Action League’s Ann Scheidler at a May 1st prayer vigil, held outside Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, to protest Governor Pritzker’s overreach. Mrs. Scheidler emphasized that now is the opportune time to stand up for our civil and religious liberties, as well as step up our pro-life activism.… Continue Reading