Written by Robert Knight
What do some young activists in Montana have in common with Honolulu city officials?
It’s hysteria over carbon dioxide, the gas we breathe out, that makes all life possible.
Both groups have won recent court rulings in lawsuits to ban fossil fuels. The plaintiffs seek to punish companies that provide natural gas, oil and coal to power the electric grid, cars, airplanes, and other useful modern amenities.
This is beyond foolish. For instance, try getting to Hawaii using solar or wind power.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bernie Sanders, carbon dioxide, Cheri Steinmetz, Climate Change, climate propaganda, CO2 Coalition, fossil fuels, Green Amendment, Hawaii, Honolulu, John Bear, Kathy Seeley, Montana, Montana Supreme Court, Our Children’s Trust filed Held v. Montana, Robert Knight, solar power, Sunoco v. Honolulu, The Associated Press, U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Conservative Party of Alberta, wind power
Climate Change | David E. Smith | January 13, 2025 5:00 AM | Comments Off on Carbon Dioxide Cabal Finally Getting Pushback
Written by Josh Gelernter
There were two big pieces of news out of NASA [last] week. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and scientists at the Southwest Research Institute discovered a new moon, orbiting a dwarf planet named Makemake (one of the many Pluto-esque bodies that live in the far reaches of the solar system). And NASA announced that the Earth is getting greener. Literally greener. Plant growth is way up.
Why is plant growth way up?… Continue Reading