Written by Russ Strewart
“Not Rahm.” “Anybody But Rahm.” “Any Alderman Who Is Not A Stooge For Rahm.” Those were the clear victors in the Feb. 24 municipal election.
Chicago’s heretofore esteemed mayor, Rahm Emanuel, has been absolutely, totally, completely humiliated. His gargantuan ego has shriveled. The scope and size of his rejection is breathtaking.
Chicago has 1,421,430 registered voters and a population of 2,695,598. On Feb. 24 in the nonpartisan mayoral election, 472,126 people voted.… Continue Reading

Written by Russ Stewart
The Nov. 4 election, for Democratic politicians in Chicago, will be a “UPS moment.” Which committeemen among the 50 Chicago wards will deliver, and will their delivery be decisive and intimidating?
With Chicago politicians already heavily focused on the Feb. 24, 2015, municipal election, and those with statewide ambitions intensely pondering the state landscape for 2016 and 2018, the 2014 vote will, to use that old expression, “separate the men from the boys.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Brady, Bill Lipinski, Bob Fioretti, Bob Shaw, Bruce Rauner, Gery Chico, Howard Dean, Jesse White, John Cullerton, John Daley, Karen Lewis, Lisa Madigan, Mike Madigan, Pat Quinn, Paul Schrimpf, Rahm Emanuel, Richard Daley, Tom Hynes
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
October 2, 2014 7:45 AM |
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