Written by Dr. Scott Lively, www.defendthefamily.com
For conservatives, it’s time to let some hard truths push aside conventional wisdom in the political realm.
First, we need to admit and accept that Republicans in Name Only (RINO) are worse enemies to our cause than Democrats. Every time we accept a RINO instead of a true conservative for any position we guarantee a continuing progressive loss for conservative values. Why? Once RINOs are in office it is nearly impossible to replace them with a true conservative (absent a major scandal or such like) because the moderates (whose votes we need to defeat liberals) will never join with the conservatives to oust them in favor of a conservative. … Continue Reading

Written by Dr. Michael Brown
According to CNN writer John Blake, President Barack Obama is “a religious pioneer” who, in the opinion of some scholars and pastors, is “also expanding the definition of who can be a Christian by challenging the religious right’s domination of the national stage.”
To be candid, and with due respect to the office of the president, Obama should be viewed as a religious apostate more than a religious pioneer. He has shown an extraordinary disregard for society’s most innocent and vulnerable members (babies in the womb), he has misused the Bible to defend the radical redefinition of marriage, and he has trashed religious freedoms with his health care mandates to the point that groups as disparate as Hobby Lobby and Catholic hospitals are suing the government.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Born Alive Infant Protection Act, Jesus, Jim Wallis, John Blake, Jr., Marcia Pally, Martin Luther King, Saul Alinsky, The New Evangelicals: Expanding the Vision of the Common Good
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
October 22, 2012 7:42 AM |
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Written by Micah Clark
Here is a remarkable story that would have been unimaginable in 2008. A group of African-American faith leaders has formed an organization called God Said, which plans on raising $1 million dollars in an effort to drive 25% of black voters away from President Barack Obama’s re-election. The reason for this effort is due to the President’s support of same-sex marriage. The group, with 22 advisory board members, plans radio and television ads in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Florida.… Continue Reading
Exclusive: Matt Barber shames black organization for buckling to ‘gay’ activists
As his re-election hopes dim, the mainstream “progressive” media continue to run interference for Barack Obama. It’s predictable. They no longer even try to hide it. They persist in slobbering on their over-hyped, under-capable would-be savior as his campaign collapses around them. The sycophancy is embarrassing and the desperation palpable.
Most recently, they’ve created a stir around the NAACP crowd booing Mitt Romney at the decidedly liberal group’s national convention in Houston, Texas.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Brian Brown, Jr., Ken Hutcherson, Mitt Romney, NAACP, National Organization for Marriage, Obamacare, Rev. Bill Owens, Rev. Martin Luther King, same-sex marriage
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
July 14, 2012 6:05 AM |
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Written by Matt Barber
It’s often said, “Be careful what you wish for – you just might get it.”
Democrats got it all right.
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts – once counted among the constitutional originalists on the high court – has granted President Barack Obama’s supreme wish. By inexplicably siding with the court’s left wing and upholding the president’s signature achievement – government-run socialized health care – Roberts has given Democrats a shiny election-year package adorned with a judicial-activist bow.… Continue Reading
Tags: Affordable Care Act, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Barack Obama, Isoroku Yamamoto, John Roberts, Liberty Counsel Action, Michael Shear, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, New York Times, Obamacare, Patrick Gaspard
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
June 30, 2012 4:02 PM |
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