Posts tagged: Barack Obama

Those Hurt by Obama and Quinn Must Demand Change

Written by Dan Proft,

This week two Chicago Democrat politicians who are farther out over their skis than Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards ever was (I’ve got Winter Olympics fever) will tell us their version of the state of United States of America, and the state of the State of Illinois.

They will explain to us that with just a few structural tax increases, and a price control or two, we could be living in a modern Utopia not even H.G.… Continue Reading

Mark Kirk Supports Same-Sex Faux Marriage

Written by Laurie Higgins

In case you didn’t hear the “BIG NEWS,” U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-Illinois), serial prevaricator, has finally come out of the closet on marriage. He has announced his support for the elimination of sexual complementarity from the legal definition of marriage. I’m shocked.

In a maudlin and self-referential statement Kirk explained, “When I climbed the Capitol steps in January, I promised myself that I would return to the Senate with an open mind and greater respect for others….Same-sex… Continue Reading

Illinois Senate Votes to Support Homosexual “Marriage”

Senator Jason Barickman Breaks With GOP

Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director

Despite the fact that Illinois is facing serious financial and unemployment issues, including a bankrupt pension system, the Illinois Senate recently approved a bill to redefine marriage and family — on St. Valentine’s Day no less.

The vote results were 34-21 with 2 voting present.  This destructive and foolish decision reveals the ignorance — or in some cases cowardice — of those who voted for the legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriage.… Continue Reading

“Here’s What You Ought to Do” said the Fox to the Chicken

Written by Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

Scores of commentators have been rehashing the results of the November 6th election and advising the GOP on what it ought to do.  Let me say this to Republicans: only a party of fools would now take advice from the same media establishment that worked around the clock to ensure your defeat.  Instead of listening to the “talking heads” appearing on TV, both Republicans and Democrats would be wise to look at some amazing voter data from some truly large voting blocs. … Continue Reading

RINO Season Begins Today

Written by Dr. Scott

For conservatives, it’s time to let some hard truths push aside conventional wisdom in the political realm.

First, we need to admit and accept that Republicans in Name Only (RINO) are worse enemies to our cause than Democrats.  Every time we accept a RINO instead of a true conservative for any position we guarantee a continuing progressive loss for conservative values.  Why?  Once RINOs are in office it is nearly impossible to replace them with a true conservative (absent a major scandal or such like) because the moderates (whose votes we need to defeat liberals) will never join with the conservatives to oust them in favor of a conservative. … Continue Reading

President Obama, More Religious Apostate than Religious Pioneer

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

According to CNN writer John Blake, President Barack Obama is “a religious pioneer” who, in the opinion of some scholars and pastors, is “also expanding the definition of who can be a Christian by challenging the religious right’s domination of the national stage.”

To be candid, and with due respect to the office of the president, Obama should be viewed as a religious apostate more than a religious pioneer. He has shown an extraordinary disregard for society’s most innocent and vulnerable members (babies in the womb), he has misused the Bible to defend the radical redefinition of marriage, and he has trashed religious freedoms with his health care mandates to the point that groups as disparate as Hobby Lobby and Catholic hospitals are suing the government.… Continue Reading

Obama the Fudger-in-Chief

Written by Laurie Higgins

Last night President Barack Obama, always the fudger-in-chief, played fast and loose with the phrase “act of terror.”  This was just a continuation of the deliberate word game he started playing in the Rose Garden the day after the Benghazi attack.

He’s playing on two different but similar sounding phrases. Professor David Norte has written about the distinction between “acts of terror” and “acts of terrorism.” President Obama, likely knowing that the Benghazi attack was an act of “terrorism” but not wanting the public to know that, because it would undermine his carefully crafted image as a fearless foe of Islamic extremists who effectively cedes—I mean leads—from behind.… Continue Reading

Did the President Cross a Bridge To Far?

Written by Micah Clark

Here is a remarkable story that would have been unimaginable in 2008.   A group of African-American faith leaders has formed an organization called God Said, which plans on raising $1 million dollars in an effort to drive 25% of black voters away from President Barack Obama’s re-election.   The reason for this effort is due to the President’s support of same-sex marriage. The group, with 22 advisory board members, plans radio and television ads in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Florida.… Continue Reading

Obama-Romney Debate

Written by Laurie Higgins

I have two quick comments on President Barack Obama’s embarrassing and insubstantial debate performance, both relating to Jim Lehrer’s question about ending partisan gridlock in Washington:

1.) Obama oddly responded to a question about ending gridlock by pointing out the importance of sometimes saying “no.” To illustrate his revolutionary gridlock-ending idea, he gave examples of his saying “no” to Republicans and then said Romney’s problem is that he doesn’t say “no” to members of his own party.… Continue Reading

NAACP And the White Sexual Anarchists

Exclusive: Matt Barber shames black organization for buckling to ‘gay’ activists

As his re-election hopes dim, the mainstream “progressive” media continue to run interference for Barack Obama. It’s predictable. They no longer even try to hide it. They persist in slobbering on their over-hyped, under-capable would-be savior as his campaign collapses around them. The sycophancy is embarrassing and the desperation palpable.

Most recently, they’ve created a stir around the NAACP crowd booing Mitt Romney at the decidedly liberal group’s national convention in Houston, Texas.… Continue Reading