Posts tagged: Amy Coney Barrett

SPOTLIGHT: Kavanaugh, Face the Truth, and Saving Innocent Lives

Written by Jenna Liz

During the most recent Face the Truth tour, Monte Larrick had a chance to interview Eric Shceidler, the executive director of the Pro Life Action League.  Their conversation takes place near the intersection of 159th Street and LaGrange road in Orland Park, one of the many places where silent protesters held up posters of the victims of abortion.

During this episode, Monte and Eric cover the importance of showing the graphic and painful pictures of terminated babies to commuters.… Continue Reading

Dick Durbin Joins Leftist Colleagues Seeking to Impose a Religious Test on Court Nominee

Written by John Biver

A few Democrat U.S. Senators, including Illinois’ own Dick Durbin, have been criticized for their questioning of 7th Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Amy Coney Barrett on the grounds that they were attempting to impose a religious test in contravention of the U.S. Constitution.

The National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis provides the background:

Barrett is a law professor at the University of Notre Dame who has written about the role of religion in public life and delivered academic lectures to Christian legal groups.

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U.S. Senate Democrats Grill Appointee Over Catholic Faith

Written by Michael Gryboski

A few U.S. Senate Democrats recently grilled a judicial nominee to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals over her Roman Catholic beliefs.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Notre Dame Law School Professor Amy Coney Barrett held Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., expressed concern over the nominee being too religious.

At issue were comments made by Professor Barrett going as far back as 1998, which some have interpreted as saying that Catholic teaching should take precedence over the law.… Continue Reading