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Dedicated to speaking truths that were once self evident, and doing so in love.


Category: Self Evident

Robert Morris, Gateway Church & Church Membership (SE #82)

Our faith does not rest in the power of men because men fail us. Our faith rests in the power of God and this should give us confidence and hope.


To attend the Worldview conference, click here.

To attend the Great Covid Con, click here.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Robert Morris, Gateway Church & Church Membership (SE #82)
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Toxic Empathy is Making Christians Weak | Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey (SE #81)

In this exciting episode of Self Evident, Alyssa Sonnenburg sits down with @AllieBethStuckey from Relatable to discuss toxic empathy, the election, culture, dating and marriage.

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Self Evident
Self Evident
Toxic Empathy is Making Christians Weak | Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey (SE #81)
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Kamala Harris’ Policies Will Make ALL of Us Poorer (SE #80)

In this episode of Self Evident, Alyssa Sonnenburg breaks down the policy platform of Kamala Harris and what it means for us as voters.

To attend the movie screening “Letter to The American Church,” click here.

To register for the IFI Worldview Conference, click here.

To peruse Kamala Harris’ policies, click here.

To watch this episode, click here.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Kamala Harris' Policies Will Make ALL of Us Poorer (SE #80)
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Russell Moore Was Wrong To Sign This (SE #79)

In this edition of Self Evident, co-host Alyssa Sonnenburg debunks the myth of Christian Nationalism, why Christian Leaders should not have signed the “Confession of Evangelical Conviction”, and how Kamala Harris has the most anti-life values in this election cycle.

The link to the article can be found here.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Russell Moore Was Wrong To Sign This (SE #79)
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The Dark Side of the Transgender Debate | Guest: Dr. Pamela Garfield Jaeger (SE #78)

The Truthful Therapist joins Self Evident and discusess the troubling aspects of what happens when families are navigating gender dysphoria, the physical, mental and emotional stunting that hormone blockers cause, and the immenent dangers of conforming to the pronoun game.

To learn more, go to


Self Evident
Self Evident
The Dark Side of the Transgender Debate | Guest: Dr. Pamela Garfield Jaeger (SE #78)
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Do Pre-Born Babies Have Emotions? | Guest: Dr. J (SE #77)

We are delighted to share with you all a discussion Alyssa and Jenna recently had on the fascinating topic of emotions in pre-born humans. For safety reasons, we will be referring to our guest by a pseudonym.

Dr. J is a retired research physicist and scientist who has done extensive work in the field of biotic encoding. He has worked with NASA, was an inetgral part of the Apollo 11 program, and has received high awards and honors about his research and work.… Continue Reading

Cultural Affairs Update (SE #76)

“If you want to seek wisdom, you need to seek the Lord. . . so go read your bibles.” ~Kenna Rose


SB 2872 was signed into law on August 2nd. It requires public schools to teach children “relaxation activities to enhance the mental and physical health of students” at least once a week. These techniques include, but are not limited to, mindful-based movements, yoga, breathing, meditation, and guided relaxation and may take place in social-emotional learning classes.… Continue Reading

Honor Your Body | Guest: Nancy Pearcey (SE #75)

“We (Christians) have a very positive message in addressing all the cutting edge issues–from abortion to homosexuality to transgenderism–all of them involve, in some way, the body. And as Christianity today that has a much higher view of the body than any other religon or philosophy. [That] gives us the opportunity to have a very positive approach when we’re talking to our friends and family members on these issues.” ~Nancy Pearcy

Self Evident is delighted to share our conversation with the one and only Nancy Pearcy.… Continue Reading

Go Read Your Bible: A Conversation With Kent Evans (SE #74)

“True Biblical Masculinity can hold both. . .know when to apply gentleness and kindness and when to apply force and aggression in a way that helps other people.” ~ Kent Evans

Kent Evans is the co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps dads become disciple makers. After a 20 year career as a business leader, he embarked on biblical fatherhood ministry projects. He joins Kenna Rose and Alyssa in this episode to elaborate what makes a Biblically masculine man, the import of knowing Scripture, and how children can encourage their fathers.… Continue Reading

The Sweet Poison of Lies: A Roundtable Discussion With Detransitioners (SE #73)

This episode contains the stories of three remarkable humans in their own words and with their own opinions. In this episode, Kenna Rose asks Maia, Camille, and Nick about how they detransitioned, the connection between your physical and mental health, the very real damage a social transition causes, the devestation of the toxic war against masculinity, where the harmful idea of transitioning genders medically originated, and much more.


Self Evident
Self Evident
The Sweet Poison of Lies: A Roundtable Discussion With Detransitioners (SE #73)
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