The Black Conservative Summit (IFS #365)

For this edition of Spotlight, highlights from a news conference of 2023 during the Black Conservative Summit in Tinley Park.

Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
The Black Conservative Summit (IFS #365)
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A Conversation With Darren Bailey (IFS #364)

Darren Bailey is running for Congress! The beloved former State Senator is fighting to let the voice of the people be heard in the halls of the U.S. House, and in this episode of Spotlight, IFA’s David Smith asks him what he would do to ensure a safe border and much more.

To find out how you can support Bailey’s campaign, go to

Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
A Conversation With Darren Bailey (IFS #364)
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PODCAST: Drag Queen Election Event

What is wrong with Illinoisans? Why do they continue to elect leaders who spit in the faces of all decent Illinoisans? Chicago is a hellscape of crime, fiscal mismanagement, failing schools, and sexual depravity, and the people who control both Chicago and Springfield continue to pursue the same ruinous policies that have made Illinois the laughingstock of the nation and led to a mass exodus of good people. And how do Democrats respond? They mock decent Illinoisans and throw a “DRAG ‘EM TO THE POLLS GOTV RALLY & DRAG SHOW” at one of Chicago’s oldest drag clubs, The Baton Show Lounge.… Continue Reading

Contending for Court: Judge John Noverini (Illinois Family Spotlight #307)

Since 1964 – 58 years ago – the Illinois Supreme Court has been controlled by justices put forth by the Democratic Party. Currently serving as a Circuit Court Trial Judge (16th circuit/Kane Co.), Judge John Noverini believes it’s well past time for that imbalance to change. We are pleased to welcome Judge Noverini, a candidate for Illinois Supreme Court Justice from the 2nd judicial district, a district that was recently gerrymandered by the Democrat-majority legislature, to this edition of Spotlight.… Continue Reading

You Shall Not Bake Cake And SCOTUS Packing (Illinois Family Spotlight #261)

This week, Illinois Family Spotlight focuses on current issues regarding religious freedom and the U.S. judicial system. To start the podcast, Monte Larrick interviews well-known Colorado baker and cake artist, Jack Phillips and general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, Kristen Waggoner. Phillips describes the persecution and targeting he has endured at the hands of the LGBT faction in his ongoing battle for religious freedom within the context of his business. In discussing the work of ADF, Waggoner speaks to the disturbing trend of “weaponization of our justice system to silence and to ruin people” who hold to different views regarding marriage and gender.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: How CNN’s Daffy Don Lemon Demonstrates Tolerance

Written by Laurie Higgins

Don Lemon, the daffy anchor on CNN, perfectly captured the arrogance and hypocrisy of many leftists—like many of my former colleagues at Deerfield High School—who while mouthing words about valuing diversity and tolerance and their commitment to “honoring” all voices—cancel friendships with those whose views they hate.

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Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
PODCAST: How CNN's Daffy Don Lemon Demonstrates Tolerance
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PODCAST: The Boorish Women of the Democratic Party

The boorish, embittered, hard-hearted members of the Democratic Caucus in Congress whom I think identify as women really test my ability to love my enemies. If you don’t know who I’m talking about, they’re the cult members dressed in white at the State of the Union (SOTU) address and a couple of others who chose to sit home. Their nominal cult leader is Nancy Pelosi—the boorish, embittered Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives who in a fit of adolescent pique, shredded her copy of President Donald J.Continue Reading

PODCAST: Do Illinoisans Know All That Springfield Swampsters Did in 2019

Do Illinoisans need another reason to vote Democrats out of office? No, of course they don’t, but here’s one anyway. Last June, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law a wildly partisan bill that requires Illinois taxpayers to subsidize the college educations of illegal aliens and students who pretend to be the sex they are not (also known euphemistically as “transgender”). The reason Pritzker and his collaborators in Springfield are now forcing Illinois taxpayers to pay for these students’ college educations is that illegal aliens and some cross-sex passers are ineligible for federal aid, so they figure Illinois taxpayers should take up the slack.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Arrogant and Immature Response from Illinois Progressive Lawmakers

Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
PODCAST: Arrogant and Immature Response from Illinois Progressive Lawmakers
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PODCAST: Christianity Today’s Call for Trump’s Removal

Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of the former evangelical flagship magazine Christianity Today (CT) wrote a stunning editorial calling for President Trump’s removal from office via either impeachment or the next election. While acknowledging that “Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion,” Galli remarkably asserts that the case for Trump’s removal by hook or crook are indisputable:

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents.

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