Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture (Illinois Family Spotlight #299)

This edition of Spotlight we feature a empowering lecture from IFI’s recent worldview conference, from our good friend over at Visionary Family Ministries, Dr. Rob Reinow. Reinow begins his oration with an amusing anecdote of how awful the reality of the blind leading the blind really is, and how it seems that many churches today are doing just that with their congregations. The reason is because we’re slipping up on a essential part of our faith, which is not believing the Scriptures are enough. In 2nd Timothy, Paul states that all Scripture is “God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 

Our 21st century minds don’t seem to grasp the importance of Paul’s writing, and we wonder whether the Bible is enough for us as Christians of this day and age. To this, Reinow responded that “God says don’t add to my words. Why? Because it’s enough. It’s sufficient for every matter of faith and practice.”

Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture (Illinois Family Spotlight #299)