Infrastructure, Indoctrination and Turning Illinois ‘Round (Illinois Family Spotlight #326)

Today meet Scott Greene, Representative candidate for District 86. He’s mustered the strength to challenge Democratic incumbent Larry Walsh and bring some trucker sense to the Capital.  Knowing that faith, family, and freedom are on the line, he will try his best to represent his district.

Greene wants to empower everyone by removing liberal policies that threaten life and livelihood. Cheap energy, strong infrastructure, security, and the importance of the family are of highest concern. Walsh, on the other hand, has openly supported government overreach, mandatory sex-ed in kindergarten, and wretched economic policies that do not benefit or represent the people. Vote and support Greene, the Christian, conservative, and down-to-earth candidate! Find him at

Infrastructure, Indoctrination and Turning Illinois 'Round (Illinois Family Spotlight #326)