“Freedom Realized” (Illinois Family Spotlight #099)
Monte Larrick caught up with Stephen Black at the National Religious Broadcasters convention a few months ago. Black has been the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries since 2000.
Monte and Stephen discuss his new book, the reality that people are not born homosexual, the ban on reparative therapy in Illinois, the assault on kids by offering them gender chaos, a new documentary called Tranzformed, the pressing need to fight the push to normalize homosexuality and transgenders, the fact that churches are not immune from gender identity controversies, and social media bias.
Stephen was called by God into ministry through the healing he received himself: (2 Cor. 1:3-4). As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, he was wounded and confused during his teenage years, drawn into homosexuality; and lived gay-identified for 8 years. Stephen’s 1991 written testimony is online in several locations and a video testimony is online here. Acquainted with the grief of sexual sin and abuse, Stephen’s heart is to make known what he discovered – that Jesus Christ has come to set the captives free. His new book released October 10, 2017, is Freedom Realized: Finding Freedom from Homosexuality and Living A Life Free from Labels.