Christ & The Human Mind (IFS #366)

Healthy worship . . . is perceiving God accurately, really knowing who God is, and then responding accordingly. ~ Dr. Benzio

In this episode, David & Monte talk with Dr. Karl Benzio, a Christian psychiatrist & co-founder of Honey Lake Clinic down in Greeneville, Florida. Dr. Benzio expounds on the power of worship and how it relates to your decision-making, the addiction crisis in our culture, and the approach Honey Lake Clinic takes to heal minds.

“What we do at Honey Lake Clinic is we try to use psychological and spiritual intervention to get at that place of ‘how do we help a person access those memories in the hippocampus, how do we help them push into that limbic space and the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex so we can get those circuits to intertwine and integrate in a way that allows for us to look at past traumatic experiences, process them in a healthier way, a more appropriate way, so that we can purge some of the detrimental impact those traumatic experiences now have in our life.”


Illinois Family Spotlight
Illinois Family Spotlight
Christ & The Human Mind (IFS #366)