Category: IFA News

Remember IFA on #GivingTuesday

Written by David E. Smith

Today is #GivingTuesday – a global day of giving dedicated to the support of organizations and ministries called to address pressing issues around the world and here in America. Giving Tuesday is a movement to inspire personal philanthropy by focusing the nation’s attention on a day of charitable giving on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving.

Please make Illinois Family Action (IFA) the non-profit that you give to today.

Remember, IFA exists to advance public policies to protect the sanctity of human life, Christian marriage, the natural family and other initiatives which are consistent with principles of good government.… Continue Reading

Labor Day Weekend

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Last Day for Summer Matching Challenge!

Today is the last day of of our 2018 Summer Matching Challenge. Depending on when you read this article, we have approximately 14 hours left to raise the support we need to meet the this dollar-for-dollar challenge. Please take advantage of this opportunity to DOUBLE YOUR DONATION to Illinois Family Action.

Your $10 gift will become $20.

$25 will become $50.

$50 will become $100.

$500 will become $1,000.

In order to reach the full potential of the $20,000 match, we still must raise more than $3,000 before midnight tonight. … Continue Reading

Independence Day 2018

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The Need for Abiding Vigilance

This week, citizens throughout the nation will celebrate the 242nd birthday of the United States of America with barbecues, pool parties, fireworks and, hopefully, prayerful reflection on God’s blessings on the formation and sustaining of our republic.

Central to our celebration should be the affirmation of the Declaration of Independence. This simple document consisting of only 1458 words conveyed powerful Judeo-Christian ideals of government while at the same time rejecting the abuses of British authoritarianism.… Continue Reading

Liberty and Law

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IFA Matching Challenge Take 2

Dear Pro-Family Friends,

For a second time this year, Illinois Family Action is being presented with a $20,000 matching challenge! These donors want to help Illinois Family ACTION raise much-needed funds to help us get the vote out and put key pro-family candidates across the finish line in the General Election on November 6th.

The mission of Illinois Family Action, in part, is to work on the political front to help get God-fearing men and women into the legislative branch, thereby preventing legislation like a taxpayer-funded abortion mandate from becoming law.… Continue Reading

UPDATE: Matching Challenge Extended!

Matching Challenge Deadline Extended to March 10th!

Year after year the anti-family, left-wing organizations devote massive amounts of time, energy and money to promote their agenda in our legislature, media and schools. Our values–the commonsense values of those in our state who believe in the importance of a mother and a father to a child, in the sanctity of human life, in the value of religious freedom–are often dismissed and ridiculed by political leftists. That is because our opponents have spent the last forty years organizing, funding and activating a powerful lobbying machine to embolden them.Continue Reading

February Matching Challenge Update

I am glad to be able to share some good news with you regarding the $20,000 matching challenge I wrote about earlier this month. The response to this annual matching challenge has been slower than we had hoped, but we are making progress toward our goal of raising a total of $40,000 before the end of the month.

We still need to raise a little more than $14,000 over the next two days in order to realize the full matching challenge.… Continue Reading