Written By Kelsey Harkness
Jeb Bush has long advocated for all 50 states to adopt Common Core national standards.
Now that the former Florida governor has all but confirmed his plans to run for president in 2016, the issue threatens to overshadow his likely campaign.
Bush’s name, matched with consistently high polling numbers among potential 2016 Republican candidates, makes landing a seat in the Oval Office feasible. But in order to reach the general election—to perhaps take on Hillary Clinton—Bush must first overcome concerns about Common Core with conservative primary voters.… Continue Reading

Written by Cliff Kincaid
Steve Malzberg of Newsmax TV calls people like CNN’s Margaret Hoover “phony Republicans” or RINOS (Republicans in Name Only). I prefer the term “fake conservatives.” Whatever we call them, the effect is still the same. By spouting liberal nonsense, they misrepresent the views of most Republicans or conservatives. Hoover joined her fellow CNN panelists in a “Hands up, don’t shoot” display based on the fiction that thug Michael Brown was surrendering to the police when he was shot.… Continue Reading

Many of the newly empowered Republicans understand the deeper meaning behind last week’s historic election. It was a wholesale rejection not only of Barack Obama, but also of the worldview he represents.
By Robert Knight
Tuesday’s Republican wave election was not just about the economy, repealing ObamaCare, illegal immigration, failed foreign policy or the nation’s nearly $18 trillion debt.
It was about all of that, but it was really about electing adults to escort America safely off Mr.… Continue Reading

Written by Don Irvine
After blowing back-to-back opportunities in 2010 and 2012 to retake control of the Senate—thanks to numerous gaffes by inexperienced candidates—Republicans decided that the 2014 group of candidates would get mandatory media training under the direction of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).
According to Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere, Manu Raju and John Bresnahan, the NRSC had trackers meet the candidates at the airports as soon as they emerged from security, and whisked them away to begin the media boot camp.… Continue Reading

The 2014 General Election is this Tuesday and voters in Illinois will head to the polls to elect a Governor, U.S. Senator and numerous other legislative offices. One section, however, that is often overlooked are judicial candidates. With recent onslaught of pervasive rulings that have come from the various judicial rulings, it is painfully clear that cannot overlook this portion of the ballot.
Though it would be an enormous endeavor to seek out information on every judicial election throughout the state, Illinois Family Action is recommending several resources to help voters make informed decisions.… Continue Reading

Written by Doug Ibendahl
A Republican Precinct Committeeman represents the GOP voters of his or her precinct at the County Republican Party level.
But most importantly, a Republican Precinct Committeeman is the face of the GOP within the precinct. In many cases, a Republican Precinct Committeeman might be the only party official a voter ever meets in person.
This volunteer position is really what one makes of it. Some do more than others. But the Republican Precinct Committeeman’s job is in essence all about helping to grow the GOP and working to deliver the maximum number of Republican votes from his or her precinct on Election Day. … Continue Reading