Written by Mark Fritton
The head of the Civic Federation — a largely Chicagoland business group — on Monday gave a panel of Illinois state senators some hard advice:
Illinois has to control its spending and pay its debts, and it must do so for several years.
Laurence Msall, the federation’s president, reviewed some of the group’s recommendations for a state budget for fiscal year 2016, which begins July 1.
The overall message: Cut spending and raise revenue.… Continue Reading
Written by Cliff Kincaid
Black conservative Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is everything Barack Obama is not. That’s why he has to be destroyed.
In a desperate move, The Washington Post ran a more than 2,500-word article on Sunday warning Carson to stop criticizing Obama.
What were Carson’s crimes?
- He offered “a conservative critique of U.S. health-care and spending policies, while standing a few feet from President Obama.”
- “In the ensuing months and years, Carson’s attacks grew sharper—deriding Obama’s signature health-care law as the ‘worst thing to have happened in this nation since slavery’ and, in the pages of GQ, likening Obama to a ‘psychopath.’
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Written by Dr. Michael Brown
It is now the “gotcha” question being asked to every Republican presidential candidate: Would you attend a same-sex ‘wedding’ ceremony?”
Rick Santorum said no, since it would be a violation of his faith.
Marco Rubio said yes, even though he disagrees with it as a Catholic, just as he disagrees with divorce and remarriage, but he would attend rather than hurt someone he loves.
Scott Walker said he had previously attended a same-sex “wedding” reception but stated that marriage was the union of a man and a woman.… Continue Reading

Written by Larry Tomczak
As America enters a presidential campaign season with serious implications, we need to engage in an honest, charitable conversation on Hillary Clinton’s history and pursuit of the presidency. The stakes are high plus we also have a tendency to forget.
If you’ve seen the outstanding film, Woman in Gold, a riveting true story starring Academy award winner Helen Mirren as a Holocaust survivor, you’ll recall her haunting words, “People forget – especially the young.”
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Written by Governor Bobby Jindal
The debate over religious liberty in America presents conservatives and business leaders with a crucial choice.
In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty. It was disappointing to see conservative leaders so hastily retreat on legislation that would simply allow for an individual or business to claim a right to free exercise of religion in a court of law.… Continue Reading

Written by John Biver
So the shutdown is over. Here’s Red State’s Erick Erickson on the topic: Advancing. Ever Advancing. Here’s the Heritage Foundation write up this morning: The Deal That’s No Deal. Here’s Rush: Conservatives are Winning on Policy. Regarding Rush’s headline — of course that’s what we thought in the days leading up to election day 2012, too.
Going into this I knew our side didn’t have the communications infrastructure needed to hold on and win.
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From IllinoisReview.com
News out of the 18th CD Monday showed State Senator Darin LaHood’s bid to succeed resigned Congressman Aaron Schock solidifying as another potential GOP primary opponent dropped out and an unknown resident of Green Valley initiated a write-in bid.
Bloomington businessman Ed Brady, once considering a bid in the IL GOP special election primary endorsed LaHood.
“Darin LaHood has a proven record of being a fiscal conservative and supporting legislation that improves the business climate in Illinois, and I know he will continue that record in Washington,” said Brady.
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Written by Tony Lee
Pro-amnesty, Pro-gay marriage, and pro-abortion donors are powering former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s fundraising operation.
Bush, who is reportedly aiming to raise $100 million before he formally enters the race, will not give a speech at CPAC on Friday and instead participate in a question and answer session with Fox News host Sean Hannity.
“All too often we’re associated with being ‘anti’ everything,” Bush lectured CPAC in 2013. “Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker, and the list goes on.”… Continue Reading

Written by Robert Knight
It’s not enough to propose liberal ideas. Eventually, you must use force against your fellow citizens if they don’t embrace them. Coercion is at the heart of the liberal enterprise.
Hence, President Obama has unveiled his latest plan to fundamentally transform the United States – mandatory voting. It comes on the heels of his unconstitutional order granting legal status to five million illegal immigrants. Coincidence?
Ironically, it also landed the very same day that Hillary Clinton floated the idea that summer camps should be created for adults because we have a “fun deficit.”… Continue Reading

Written by Jonathan Allen
In 2008, Hillary Clinton promised Barack Obama, the president-elect, there would be no mystery about who was giving money to her family’s globe-circling charities. She made a pledge to publish all the donors on an annual basis to ease concerns that as secretary of state she could be vulnerable to accusations of foreign influence.
At the outset, the Clinton Foundation did indeed publish what they said was a complete list of the names of more than 200,000 donors and has continued to update it.… Continue Reading