Illinois Democrats are Bloodthirsty for Child Sacrifice
Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg
“Operation Swing State” is in full gear for the upcoming general election on November 5th.
The goal of this operation? To convert as many people as possible to the pro-child sacrifice side not only in Illinois but also in key swing states like Wisconsin.
NPR Illinois recently covered the work of this operation:
“On a hot sunny day in September, Elizabeth Posner and Mark Steen, two volunteers from Illinois, drove around the politically purplish city of Racine, Wis., with a stack of Democratic pamphlets at the ready.
Guided by an app with a list of registered voters, Steen stopped his Volkswagen on a quiet street where he and Posner started knocking on doors.”
Not only are Illinois Democrats such as U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), the “godmother” of this operation, dedicated to unlimited abortion access in the state of Illinois, but they are so bloodthirsty that they are rallying volunteers to drive to swing states, knock on doors, and urge people to vote for Kamala Harris purely based on her abortion stance.
Now, remember, the original stance on abortion was “safe, legal, and rare.”
Not to say that abortion being “safe, legal, and rare” is ethical– no matter the circumstance, abortion is always the murder of an innocent child and is an abomination in the sight of God.
Yet, the mantra was used to hide the true intention behind the abortion movement.
Abortion was always meant to be radical– legal slaughter of children in any stage of pregnancy (and after botched abortions) for any reason.
This is the stance of Kamala Harris.
In fact, abortion is where Kamala Harris “shines.” It’s the topic that animates her most, and we saw this in the presidential debate and subsequent interviews.
When Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California, she co-sponsored the FACT Act, which Governor Brown later signed into law. Here is what she said:
“I am proud to have co-sponsored the Reproductive FACT Act, which ensures that all women have equal access to comprehensive reproductive health care services and that they have the facts they need to make informed decisions about their health and their lives.”
Yet, this statement from Harris doesn’t tell you about what the FACT Act was really meant to do. It would have required pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortion. When a young woman, pregnant and scared, walked into a pro-life pregnancy center, this act would require the workers not to offer her care and resources right away but to inform her of where she could receive an abortion.
Thankfully, the Supreme Court deemed this law a violation of the First Amendment, and it was repealed.
As a Senator in 2019, Kamala Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act.
This Act would require medical attention to be given to any baby that happened to survive a botched abortion – the same medical care any baby would receive.
Again, she voted against this.
This brings us to the topic of the upcoming presidential election.
Democrats are hell-bent on making sure abortion “rights” are once again encoded in law.
This is the sole reason why Illinois democrat volunteers are driving to swing states, knocking on doors and urging people to vote for Harris.
We as conservatives or, more importantly, we as Christians – have a moral and civil duty to oppose Kamala Harris’ election if for no other reason than her radical views on abortion and the sanctity of life.
Election day is November 5th.
Vote for LIFE.