Students for Life Action Demands GOP Remain Pro-Life

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, the pro-life issue has become more important than ever before.

With the Republican National Convention coming up on July 15th in Milwaukee, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) understands this crucial moment and is demanding that the Republican Party (Grand Old Party, GOP) maintain its pro-life stance.

While the GOP has been dedicated to the pro-life cause for decades, there are some Republicans (Republicans In Name Only, RINOs) that stand as a hindrance to the pro-life mission.

We must demand that the GOP stay true to the value of human life and not betray their pro-life base, which has been voting pro-life for decades.

On July 15th, Students for Life Action will advocate for the voices of the preborn.

SFLAction will host a Life Chain at the Planned Parenthood location nearest to the convention. At this location, they will be handing out pro-life buttons and stickers– spreading the pro-life message to attendees.

They will also show Baby Olivia, a Live Action animated video presentation revealing the development of the preborn in the womb.

This will remind GOP leaders that the pro-life movement is a huge part of their voter base and not one that can be ignored – after all, if you’re pro-liberty, you must be pro-life.

This event is an incredible opportunity to have your voice heard as a voter who stands strong against abortion.

If you are interested in attending this free event, click here.

Alyssa Sonnenburg is a dedicated Christian, wife, and is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. She is a co-host of the Self-Evident podcast and serves as an Executive Assistant at IFI. Growing up on the southside of Chicago, she and her husband now live in the northwest suburbs.