“Rigged” Election Claims
Trump 2020 vs Clinton 2016

Written by David E. Smith

“Donald Trump threatened democracy by casting doubt on the results of the election.” Sound familiar? It should; seeing as how the mainstream media trumpeted it from the rooftops during the tumultuous aftermath of the 2020 election.

“Hillary Clinton threatened democracy by casting doubt on the results of the election.” Sound familiar? Probably not. The mainstream media has generally avoided drawing similar horrendous implications from similar election-doubting statements—when Clinton or other left-leaning politicians and media were the ones speaking.

Don’t believe it? Watch this three-minute Matt Orfalea video and hear Donald J. Trump, Hillary Clinton, and other officials from both political parties go back and forth making similar election-doubting statements about the 2016 and 2020 elections. Then ask yourself why the media gave a pass to the Democrats while emphasizing (and exaggerating) any and all complaints against the Republicans, specifically MAGA advocates.

Don’t be ignorant of what the media chooses to ignore. They bury one story to help their left-wing political allies while amplifying negative narratives to take down center-right candidates.

Bottom line:  “Don’t Believe the Liberal Media!